Like all products, you gotta have the checkmark in the major classification area when being compared.
I think one of the next BIG feature addition--you know, a whole 'nother feature to list in the feature list--should be essentially the theater interface, but provided through a web site interface. The XBOX media center has this and it really would be a great add-on. I sincerely believe it should be provided as a plugin--automatically installed, obviously, that could be enabled on a port just like library server--with a username/password.
I even believe you could simply write a converter that would take the existing theater view and simply reprint it to a web site! Then, the theater view skin would automatically be used for the web interface--unless you had another selector under the plugin.
The feature must be able to start automatically for it to be useful. Since most workstations aren't running a web server, using port 80 would be great by default. Then, all I'd have to do is type in the computer name or IP and I'll be able to control it.