So I get my iPhone today! I decided I needed to get ready because it doesn't look like MC can sync the iPhone yet--I'm really hoping, though. So I went through and synced my music to a folder so I could get it all converted to mp3s to allow iTunes to survive and not choke on quality with FLAC. So, I added the songs to iTunes.
Then I realized I was getting duplicates--(this has been happening a lot to me in MC lately, not sure why)--and I found out that iTunes was importing the playlist file and all those files as well. So, I knew to just delete all and start over after deleting the playlist file. Select All, Delete...wait...wait...wait. Oh, you have to wait? Waa aaaaiittt? What is this unfamiliar action that I have never heard of?
It took a good minute for it to delete 2K songs from its database. Then, I just deleted the database anyway but wow. iTunes is so bad I don't even like this temporary use.
I'm sorry but the ONE feature I absolutely love is their album view. Please take a look at it and consider adding a view like it. It really is impressive all around. I'm going to go check out cover flow now for the first time.