>> Can someone please tell me the best approach to this? I can
>> name the songs manually in the Windows folder from where the
>> reside, but I noticed that these names don't show up in MJ, MJ
>> still lists them as Track 1 etc.
well you need to update MJ by reimporting them, and also delete removed (there is an option for this). this is because you renamed them outside of MJ, and MJ does not Know what you renamed them too.
>> If I right click them in MJ, yes I can rename them, but noticed
>> it only changes the name in the program itself and not the actual
>> file in Windows. Basically it seems I have to name them twice.
select file(s)
right click
select properties
select tools
select the rename option
[X] what you need, select Rule
and mj will rename the file(s) in the format selected
>> Is there a way around this?
yes see above