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Author Topic: Trouble importing Playlists?!?!?  (Read 2004 times)


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Trouble importing Playlists?!?!?
« on: September 08, 2007, 05:36:52 pm »

Is there any place where I can find a definitive guide to exporting and importing playlists?

I'll admit that I'm no MC expert, but it seems that I'm having an abnormally difficult time with playlists. I can create a playlist just fine, and can export it in .mpl format to my hard disk. I can go to the directory to where I exported the playlist, open it using Word, and see that it all looks ok.

However, when I try to re-import it back into MC, things get REALLY weird. The first time that I did this, things looked OK, and the playlist worked. However, when I updated the same playlist, re-exported it, and then re-imported it, it came back as it was before - without the new songs added. When I went to the directory and double-clicked the playlist icon, it played OK in MC - with the new songs as well! I use Library > Import Media to import the playlist and I have .mpl checked in the Import Media screen. I'm running MC 11.0.309.

I figured I'd try starting over, so I deleted that playlist from the directory. I then went to MC and created a new playlist and exported it to the same directory as before. Now, when I re-import this new list, it comes back with no songs listed. If I delete the playlist and re-import it I get the same empty play list. However, now when I double click on the playlist in the directory where it's stored, MC plays a list of files consisting of the old (deleted!) playlist AND the new playlist. When I open the new playlist using Word it looks OK, with only the new songs - with no signs of the songs from the old deleted playlist.

This seems like too basic a function not to work correctly, so I figure that I must be doing something wrong - but I've been through every menu on MC and have read every manual on the JR website and have not been able to figure this out.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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