Is there a way to resize cover art before syncing it to a portable device? It would save me a lot of space if it could be resized to a more reasonable 320x320 or so. Perhaps a simple checkbox in the sync area to resize all cover art to 320x320...or just use the same setting as the image conversion.
1) So, if all images are resized to 640x480, then resize cover art to 640x640.
2) Or if it's set to 320x240, resize cover art to 320x320
This wouldn't add any confusion to the interface and actually makes sense since the images are just that...cover art is images. Plus, most portable player's are limited to 240x240 or 320x320 or something not much larger so if you resize your photos, you probably aren't throwing out more data than you have to. You probably chose a setting closer to the native resolution of your device and the cover art should be converted, too.
Also, could you add a few more sizes to the drop down? Perhaps a 160x120 and a 1024x768 or something around there.