oooh, oooh, I know this one...if I understand you right...
Think I understand what you mean by the first question:
Sounds like you've got Jump on Play set to Playing Now (always) - take a look under Tools -> Options -> General -> Behaviour.
Not quite sure if I know what you mean by the second:
When you go to Playing Now from another view it does jump to where it's currently at, but if you, say, use the search box and then cancel it, it doesn't, which I have recently been finding quite frustrating as I have been wading randomly through my entire library...
You can use the quick search (Ctrl-Q) to find the playing song.
EDIT: It's funny how something can annoy me for ages but I won't actually look for a solution until someone else asks for it...actually just pressing F5 to refresh will take it back to the currently playing track.
Quite sure I don't understand what you mean by the third:
But you could try Tools -> Options -> General -> Interface -> Minimize to System Tray which is most useful.
I have been having trouble with the latest build getting confused as to whether it's got the focus or not. Not sure whether this is an MC bug, a Windows Vista bug, or a Ben's computer oddity. Most probly the latter.
Hope this helps
Ben. (My boss, never having heard of the cartoon, keeps calling me Mr Benn, much to my workmate's amusement - then again, we've also got a Michael Knight working there too).