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Author Topic: XP "run as admin" tool. Free, simple and very handy!  (Read 2358 times)


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XP "run as admin" tool. Free, simple and very handy!
« on: October 15, 2007, 02:47:00 am »

So, I have my son's xp limited user account locked down tighter than a tight thing and I am happy...

At least I was, until I found that some things really needed to be "run as admin" and XP duly provides the option to make that so, but it does not provide the option of saving the password!! There is a /savecred switch, but still, that only saves the user, not the password.

I needed a solution that allowed a shortcut to be double clicked and the program to run under an admin account without any user input other than that double click, so I set about trawling the regular reg hack 'tips 'n' tricks' sites. I was really surprised that as far as these places were concerned, this was not possible, so I cast my net a little wider to find that there are many people out there that want the same thing, and no solutions offered to the many forum requests out there...

Eventually, on page 3 of a google search, I found a little 'free for personal use' tool on a german website... it's called "runasspc" and it just works. No installation required, just save the files somewhere. username and password are saved in an encrypted file and only work for the specified application. Create a shortcut, rename it, give it the target applications icon and you're good to go. Brilliant.

Figured some might appreciate the tip, so there it is. Enjoy.


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Re: XP "run as admin" tool. Free, simple and very handy!
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2007, 09:19:56 am »

Nice tip Marko, this could indeed come in handy so I will store it away for future reference.
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