here is my situation. I have an MC library of video, music and images on machine A. The music and images are on machine A's internal HD, and videos on several external HDs. I am in the process of transferring all files and library to internal HD of machine B. All machine B files will be in a different filepath structure than those of machine A.
So far I have successfully copied music and images to machine B via library sync. I do not want to use library sync on the videos because it will take a very long time as it is over 1TB of info and is simply easier to copy manually from the external HDs to machine B.
For the past few weeks I have been using machine B for music and images only , and machine A for video only. I have tagged many images and audio files on machine B that have not been tagged on machine A, so right now, the machine A audio and image tags are more outdated than my library on machine B.
I wish to import the videos into machine B's MC library without having to redo all the tags for them I already created that are in machine A library. So far I have imported the machine A library to machine B and used the find and replace function on filename, as everything is in a different filepath. The only problem is that when I do this I get the entire library backup from machine A, which means I get the up-to-date video tags, but outdated audio and image tags.
Is there someway to import a library backup but only get one portion (such as the video) of the library? Or is there an easier way to go about this? any ideas?