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Author Topic: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction  (Read 13856 times)


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Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« on: December 23, 2007, 03:58:43 am »

As per JimH's request in

I have all my DVDs ripped to my HDD. Some think this is ridiculous and that's fine, but I don't exactly like the idea of my nieces/nephews/future children having access to and possibly scratching or spilling sticky things on my DVDs, so I've ripped them full quality to HDD.

So here goes with an explanation of how I see this working. A little different to how I run it now but perhaps easier...

A seperate section for DVDs (perhaps under existing Video section) that reads staright from xml file created by DVDProfiler (as opposed to the imported files themselves) and automatically lists all DVDs and their coverart as per that file. If I click on one of the covers, I get taken to a screen with a larger view of the cover and a synopsis of the DVD - again, all from the DVDProfiler file. I could then select "Play DVD" or "Back" to go back to the list.

This is where things could possibly get a little finnicky.. For each DVD, possibly as a "Tag" I could select a file location or an option, say, "Physical DVD" that the play button would read from. If I put a file location, when I press "Play" the movie starts playing as per that location. If I selected "Physical DVD" I'm prompted to insert the DVD into my drive when I press and select OK when I press "Play". This then fires an autoplay once it's inserted...

Don't know how difficult it would be, but you asked for the thread :-)


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2007, 05:52:28 am »

There are some interesting ideas here. When I finally fork out for some extra hard drive space, I think I'll start to archive my DVDs like you have...

I haven't even looked at the best way of organising this yet, but if MC could help me out that would be great. How do you find DVD Profiler?


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2007, 06:18:44 am »

TBH I love it. A few people on these forums have had a few problems with it but I haven't, so don't have anything bad to say. There is the rare occasion when it won't pick up the dvd by the barcode entered but hey, nothings perfect. Just need to convince the missus to let me get a barcode scanner :-)

One other thing is that it will find box sets by barcode, but if you wanted to use it as in the above example you would need to list all the movies separately. No biggie...

As for the archiving / playback of ripped movies - even my wife loves it, so it can't be too bad a thing. Great part is no more loaning out dvds to people never to see them again - just burn them their own copy in 5 minutes and it's their's to keep... God Love DVDShrink...


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2008, 04:02:14 am »

Bump, as per request...


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2008, 07:16:24 pm »

I ripped my entire dvd collection and have around 346 DVDs now (We hit the jackpot when a movie store went out of business and liquidated their inventory. Sad day for the store, sad day for everyone that has to go to blockbuster, but great deal for us).  This would be amazing as sometimes when I run out of room, I could still keep the library full but venture to the basement to grab it off the shelf when the data is deleted off of the shelf.

It would amazing if we could get some type of support for being able to review synopsis and maybe the rating.

As an aside, did you go with internal or external drives?
I have 5 external and 3 internal 500gb drives. I probably should have went internal but I like the portability of external, I know I am going to pay for it one day and will end up spending a ton of time backing up the videos again.


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2008, 02:52:18 am »

I just wanted to give my support for this.  I have almost 400 movies ripped to the hard drive and about 700 or so in DVDProfiler.  This would really bring Media Center a big step closer to making me feel I could use it exclusively as my HTPC frontend.  Right now this is how I do it with Meedio, I just import my DVDProfiler xml file right into Meedio, and I can see all the nice info about the movie.  There is a lot of choices on how to import the information as well.

So yes, great idea, I would love to see something like this implemented!


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2008, 05:33:40 am »

As MC now handles video rather well, DVD Profiler is the only program that I need besides of MC.
Would be truly amazing if all, or some of the most important fields like rating, actors, review, picture etc, could be included in a Theater View page (and possibly in standard view). If we could also use the DVD Profilers ability to run DVD's directly (mount? and playing through MC) I would be in heaven.
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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2008, 12:26:33 pm »

Sorry to hijack this thread. Would someone be so kind as to explain the main reasons you chose DVDProfiler over Movie Collector?


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2008, 01:06:00 pm »

I know I tried Movie Collector a long time ago; and tested it briefely now.

It just seems like DVD Profiler have much more options. First things I noticed was worse filtering when it comes to picking a movie, user handeling when lending out movies, lack of searching for Cast, and no link between cast members in other movies you own when klicking them. Or other crew members for that sake.
There also seems to be less info of the movies it self. I tried to edit some, and there was much, but not as much as in DVD Profiler.
The skins sucked, but I guess you can edit them if you know a bit html and xml. Even download some more.
The nice thing with DVD Profiler is that you can costumize very much. Not just the skins.

Looked like it can run the movies directly in MCE and WMP, but is it able to run commands to, let's say, mount iso's and play them in MC or other media players? Not sure if it can, but I belive DVD Profiler does this. DVD Profiler also supports some DVD carousels. Not sure if this app does that.
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2008, 01:13:24 pm »

Thank you very much. I will have a closer look at DVDProfiler.

I am quite satisified with Movie Collector.
- recent version has major improvements to filtering/search, and has saved searches which is very useful
- recent version has excellent loan management
- yes standard skins suck, I created custom skin that I love
- I rely mainly on IMDb for movie data and Movie Collector does excellent job of automatically extracting this data
- yes it runs movies in MCE but no it does not support commands


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2008, 01:39:31 pm »

No problem at all. I'm no expert of Movie Collector, but I belive the option granularity is much higher in DVD Profiler.
Like MC compared to iTunes, it can be more costumized to your needs. More features as well, and looks just as good, if not better.

Over to the integration question.
If J River don't come up with an implementation, I guess the only other option is some sort of plugin?
There is no such plugins today is there?
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2008, 05:40:43 pm »

I was hoping that the DVD Profiler database was in XML. It was not. So I'm not so sure it would be easy to take data directly from it.
You can export the database to an XML file though. And I guess it would be much easier to take this data and get it directly into MC.
Not the most ideal way, but it's a simple walkaround I guess.

Here's an example of a DVD from the exported XML file. Just cut off some cast members and credits.
Code: [Select]
  <ProfileTimestamp>2005-12-15 16:08:03</ProfileTimestamp>
  <Title>Sin City</Title>
  <SortTitle>Sin City</SortTitle>
      <Description>Main Feature</Description>
  <Rating>15 &#229;r</Rating>
  <CaseType>Keep Case</CaseType>
    <FeatureOther>The making of Sin City</FeatureOther>
    <Studio>Miramax International</Studio>
    <Studio>Dimension Films</Studio>
    <Studio>Troublemaker Studios</Studio>
      <AudioCompression>DD (Dolby Digital)</AudioCompression>
      <AudioCompression>DD (Dolby Digital)</AudioCompression>
      <AudioChannels>5.1 Surround</AudioChannels>
      <AudioCompression>DTS (Digital Theater Systems)</AudioCompression>
      <AudioChannels>6.1 Surround</AudioChannels>
      <Role>Senator Roark</Role>
      <Role>Nurse (uncredited)</Role>
      <CreditSubtype>Art Director</CreditSubtype>
    <SRPCurrencyName>Norway (Krone)</SRPCurrencyName>
      <PurchasePriceCurrencyName>Norway (Krone)</PurchasePriceCurrencyName>
  <Overview>Sin City myldrer av kriminelle, tvilsomme politimenn, sexy kvinner, enten p&#229; jakt etter hevn eller forsoning, eller begge deler for den saks skyld. Filmen forteller en historie basert p&#229; tre av Millers tegneserier, &quot;Sin City&quot;, &quot;That Yellow Bastard&quot; og ikke minst &quot;The Big Fat Kill&quot;. Rodriguez og Miller omskrev disse til film med stor trofasthet mot det visuelle, stemningen og dialogen i b&#248;kene.&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Hartigan (Bruce Willis) er en politimann med et mekanisk hjerte og en ekstra beskyttende arm rundt den vakre stripperen Nancy (Jessica Alba). Mickey Rourke spiller Marv, en utst&#248;tt menneskehater p&#229; oppdrag for &#229; hevne drapet p&#229; sin eneste kj&#230;rlighet, Goldie, mens Dwight (Clive Owen), den hemmelige elskeren til Shelly (Brittany Murphey), tilbringer nettene med &#229; forsvare Gail (Rosario Dawson) og hennes &quot;Old town girls&quot; fra Jacke Boy (Benicio Del Toro), en snuskete purk med en sterk forkj&#230;rlighet for vold.</Overview>
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Re: Feature Request - Native DVDProfiler Interaction
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2008, 06:32:28 am »

I was hoping that the DVD Profiler database was in XML. It was not. So I'm not so sure it would be easy to take data directly from it.
You can export the database to an XML file though. And I guess it would be much easier to take this data and get it directly into MC.
Not the most ideal way, but it's a simple walkaround I guess.

Agreed, not the most ideal way... It could simply be a matter of pointing MC to the right file once though, then simply overwriting it every time you update...
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