I'm after suggestions on how I could achieve the following (Glynor??):
1) Refresh Rate Changes: Like many people, I've got Video files with 24, 50 & 60hz refresh rates and the necessary AV equipment to support them. At present MC12 works with what ever std refresh rate you have selected via your graphics card. While I could manually change the refresh rate to suit each file it would be great if I could use a new field in MC12 (say "Refresh Rate") to tag files that are different to my standard setting and have MC12, a plug-in, or 3rd party tool read this field and change my graphics card output to suit them, and then on stopping that files playback revert to the Std refresh rate.
2) Aspect Ratio Changes: While "Auto" works for 95% of my Video library there are some (mainly 4:3 transfer in a 16:9 presentation) where "Crop" is more appropriate. Like the suggestion above, I'd love to use a new field (say "Aspect Ratio") where I can tag these files with my prefered aspect ratio where they are different to my standard setting and have MC12, a plug-in, or 3rd party tool read this field and change my the aspect ratio to suit them, and then on stopping that files playback revert to the Std Aspect Ratio setting.