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Author Topic: Does this kind of playlist format exist?  (Read 1229 times)


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Does this kind of playlist format exist?
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:39:11 am »

Hi everybody,

not sure where to post this, sorry if it's the wrong forum.

I have been wondering for a long time now if there is a (maybe XML based) playlist format somewhere out there which is based solely on tag information and not actual files? This would be great for creating playlists of Samplers, TOP100 lists etc.

What I imagine is the following:

I create a playlist of songs with tag info Artist A, Title T:

Code: [Select]
1. A1 - T1
2. A2 - T2
3. A3 - T3
4. A1 - T4
5.    ...

When I open this playlist in my audio player such as MC it looks up all the songs in its own library, based on certain criteria (they should be configurable within the audio player itself). If it finds a song it gets added to the list. Blank positions (i.e. song not found) should be preserved as empty and ignored when playing. That way the structure of the list stays intact.
Obviously it would search for the Artist first, and the title. If several songs match those two criteria, maybe length or genre or album can be used or simply one could be chosen (as setup in the settings somewhere).

On another computer this list could then look like this:

Code: [Select]
2. A2 - T2
4. A1 - T4
5.    ...

In that case only two of the four songs were found in the library.

Okay, so why do I want this very specific system? As mentioned above it would be great to put together and share TOP lists and sampler whithout actually having to share the music. And you can have several sampler that contain the same songs but the file itself is present only once.
Or imagine your friend has this awesome list of songs and you're sure you have most of them on your computer so you don't want to copy the whole lot, but still want the playlist. Easy - just copy that XML or whatever file it is and your Media Center looks up all the songs for you.

Maybe it's out there and I just haven't found it yet ....

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