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Author Topic: Line-in recording from cassette  (Read 663 times)


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Line-in recording from cassette
« on: August 03, 2002, 09:00:25 pm »

The MJ help file suggests that, when you're doing line-in recording, "When the source material ends, the recorder will automatically stop".  If your source is a cassette player, how does the recorder know when the source material has ended?  I thought that's what the time setting for the track was used for but that's not the case.  The only way I can get the MJ recorder to stop recording and start encoding is to select split-track and stop the cassette recorder till the encoding is done.


Thanks, Norm


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RE:Line-in recording from cassette
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2002, 05:58:43 am »

Do you have the "track splitting" feature enabled? If not, you have to manually end the recording. With track splitting enabled, MJ will detect the silence and end the track.
The time setting for the track is strictly an aid for the automatic track splitting feature and it's there to prevent the track from ending too soon, like during a quiet section of classical or jazz music.
I can help you set up the parameters if you describe what you're trying to do. If I guess correctly, you want to record an entire side of a cassette (with multiple songs on it) into one track in Media Jukebox and have MJ stop recording at the end of the side. You should be able to do this by enabling track splitting, and setting the duration of the one track to the entire length of the side, plus a few seconds since the start time is inexact.

Hope that helps,
John T.
JRiver, Inc.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center
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