ok... its a long shot, cant think of anything else...
make a backup first.
make two user defined library fields. make them integer and call them for instance CTrack and CName
now make a smartlist that has all the audio sorted by album artist (auto), album and track #
add the collumn CTrack
click on the first CTrack select all songs in there (ctrl A) and click F2.
now in the field that opens type =Counter()
all the songs get there own number in CTrack
change the sorting of the smart list to: album artist (auto), album and Name
add the CName cullumn to also to the view
do the same to that collumn as you did to CTRack
now add a collumn with an expression to the smartlis that say something like
if(IsEqual([Ctrack],[CName],2), Y,N)
for all the songs with a Y the track number could be the same as alphabetic. this of cource gives also the songs where this happens by change.
you could make it more fancy by making a third user defined library field with the code from above, and make smart lists base on the Y value, and add full album. the albums with only Y in the collumn are the ones whith all songs and tracks in track and alphabetc order.
i hope someone has a better idea. could not really test it because i dont have that problem. so maybe there is a flaw somewhere.. guess/hope it works though.
btw: i wish that steve klein would start to produce elctric guitars again..