Vice versa, when using skins with dark list backgrounds and light list text
(e.g. Thunderstorm, Blue Steel), the text disappears when the tab is activated:
This happens for tabs that show view schemes from audio, images or video.
When showing "Playing Now", "Playlists", "Drives & Devices" or other lower entries
from the tree, the text appears in black.
Another issue is that MC uses some filter to display the active tab:
Inactive tabs just use the defined image and are brightened up on mouse over (OK..),
but the defined image for active tabs and the border row from underneath the tabs
are always brightened up. This seems to be unnecessary, or not?
If the "SplitViewTab_Button.png" from "Default Skin Items" where modified to show
an brightened up active tab, the filter could be removed and all skins that use this
default image would work like before. But along with separate color settings for tab text
colors there would be the chance to *really* skin the tabs...
Another issue caused by the color calculation from list text colors is the appearance of
the top bars in in split views when using skins with dark list backgrounds and light list text:
The color of an active top bar in split views (columns/rows mode) is the same as the one
that is defined as the background color for lists. The color of an inactive top bar is the
same but overlayed with the color that is defined as list text color.
This works fine as long as the background is light and the text is dark, so e.g. an
active top bar is white (=white list background) and an inactive top bar is in darker
grey (=white list background + overlayed black from list text).
But for skins with dark list backgrounds and light list text, this means that the inactive
top bar is light and the active top bar is dark. This contradicts the way it is handled in
other parts of the program (e.g. tabs and mouse over) with the same skin and can be
very irritating. Separate color settings or an automatically reverse calculated overlay
for the top bar (and it's text) would be much better...