I had observed some strange buffering issues with my external firewire (400) enclosure. I put a flashlight down on it, rather gently, and playback skipped and became garbled instantly like there was no buffer. (not like how CD players used to stop and restart when shock detected) I’ll have to check the registry but I’m sure it will read the default because I have never changed it. I don’t think I changed the default settings in MC either.
And here’s my response to this post on Computer audiophile forums if anyone is half-interested (
http://www.computeraudiophile.com/node/108?page=4) [at bottom]:
You don't need an "audio grade" rom-drive to rip audio. EAC or JRiver will give you identical results with any half decent ripper.
As a matter of fact, one of the WORST drives I ever bought was a Plextor slot loading 716-AL. VERY fussy drive in light of the hype they get as makes of solid gear.
I'm also curious how RAM is better then a HD? It's a matter of fact that RAM can make physical noise just like a hard drive. I've heard very high pitched squeals and cyber-moans from memory dimms under testing with a software mem tester. If playing with a wav editor like Sequoia makes you feel like the music sounds better, so be it, I don't have the time to take untaggable medium like wav and load one or two files at a time into a wav editor. Like I said, if it works for you....but I feel most of what you have just claim has very little empirical OR subjective evidence to back it up (given double blind testing).
BUT, you can read this and simply use a larger buffer with JRiver:
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=45601.0APE and FLAC are as bit perfect as wav as one poster says here.
The argument the cpu loading, HD disks, etc. have some affect on DAC is highly suspect......is the DAC done onboard the motherboard, on a PCI sound card, an external sound card, on an external standalone DAC? If the audio is being buffered the only possibility is power supply loading as a poster mentions at YADB possibly coloring the sound...but cpus aren't being loading very much even with lossless format playback.