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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album  (Read 6052 times)


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Hey guys,

I wrote it down in the 12.0.533 thread but got no answer, so I write it here again to get an answer:

MC12 crashes always when trying to add a 'folder.jpg' cover pic to an existing music album with 'C++ runtime error'
This error is known since an early 500 version and is a showstopper as it is impossible to add a cover pic to an existing album (I delayed that work to a better day)
Oh, and Jim, it's no solution to switch off 'shell integration' as this is an essential functional part of the music import work queue

So please tell me/us if that error has been found and when it will be resolved - because it worked fine before

And if it is necessary I offer my help with logs or whatever documentation is necessary to nail down that bug

no hard feelings please, just trying to help (and to resolve my problem of course too, lol)


Alex B

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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 02:35:56 pm »

Oh dear, I wonder if others expect me to answer all cover art related questions (since no one else replied here or in the build thread). Though, I guess I can blame myself for that.

Well, I'll try...

-- It works for me. Others have not reported about a similar problem so it might be difficult to find out what causes it.

-- I assume you have set the cover art location to be "In the same folder as the file (as Folder.jpg)", but have you also set cover art to be stored in the file tags? What audio file format(s) do you use? Where are the audio files stored? Are you logged in as an administrator? If not, does it work when you log in as an administrator?

-- You said it always crashes. Do you mean that literally? Do you have any cover art that works?

-- Can you always reproduce the problem? What exactly do you do when it happens (step by step)? Have you tried different methods for adding cover art?

-- You could turn on the debug logging, reproduce the crash and after restart post the last twenty or so lines from the "Previous log".

-- What is your OS version? Actually, you could post your full system info from the Help menu.


Have you tried the other cover art naming options? I wonder if the actual Folder.jpg filename could be related. For instance, Windows Media Player 11 can change the folder.jpg files to be hidden. If you use Vista maybe it can do something more... (I have very little experience of Vista. I have not installed it on my PCs yet.)


As a test, could you disable your antivirus and/or other security program(s) and check if that makes any difference?
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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 05:06:30 pm »

Alex, hold on, I'll produce all the documents you asked for and we'll see where it can be... at least for me/us it always crashes... and the only thing I changed on the media server system is the MC version to 12.0.533 and I installed XP SP3 in the meanwhile. All other system components are the same as before

I know that it is pretty hard to determine where it is without debugging info, that's why I offered my help with that if I can do that myself. Funny that it works for someone else.

Anyway, thanks for your hints and I get back to you asap.



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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2008, 05:20:08 pm »

Does it work if you use a jpg with a name that isn't folder.jpg?


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2008, 05:48:05 pm »

ok, here we go, these are the lines of the log:

Media Center; Version: 12.0.533; Types: 16383
0131188: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Start
0131188: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0131188: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Start
0131203: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Finish (15 ms)
0135609: 580: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0135797: 580: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Skin Items\Standard View\Frame_Edit.png
0135797: 580: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Skin Items\Standard View\Frame_Edit.png
0135797: 580: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\ThunderStorm\Frame_ComboBox.png
0135797: 580: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\ThunderStorm\Frame_ComboBox.png
0135906: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Start
0135906: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0135906: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Start
0135922: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Finish (16 ms)
0140453: 580: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: D:\E\Eric Bibb\2005 - A Ship Called Love\Folder.jpg
0140453: 580: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: D:\E\Eric Bibb\2005 - A Ship Called Love\Folder.jpg
0140875: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Start
0140875: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0140875: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Start
0140891: 580: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Finish (16 ms)
37719109: 2744: General: Launcher: Command Line: /MediaServer
0000016: 2744: General: RunProgram: Start
0000016: 2744: General: RunProgram: Filename: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Media Center 12.exe / Parameters: /MediaServer
0000032: 2744: General: RunProgram: Performing ShellExecute...
0000125: 2744: General: RunProgram: Running process...
0000125: 2744: General: RunProgram: Finish (109 ms)

here is the output of my system

Media Center 12.0.533 Registered -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium 4 2807 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2097 MB, Free - 1698 MB

Internet Explorer: 7.0.5730.13 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: , Win32 Nero Aspi Library, Copyright ? 1999-2003 Ahead Software AG / Aspi32.sys: N/A

Ripping /   Drive U:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive V:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Get cover art: Yes /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive U: PLEXTOR  CD-R   PREMIUM     Addr: 0:1:0  Speed:52  MaxSpeed:52  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive V: PLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-708A     Addr: 0:0:0  Speed:40  MaxSpeed:40  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Interface Plugins: (Active)
  Library Server (Active/Enabled)
  TiVo Server (Active)
  UPnP Server (Active)

answering to your questions:

- cover art location is set to 'folder.jpg' in same folder as the tracks are stored, store into file tags is also set to 'yes'
- I use mp3 and flac formats
- audio files are stored on two RAID6 volumes of 2TB each, one for classical and one for modern music, each volume has A.. B.. and so on folders, in each of those folders are the artist names folders, in each of these folders the folders for each CD named 'Year' - 'CD name' and in that folder are the music tracks
- I'm logged in as 'Administrator'
- it always crashes, well, I tried at least 10 different cover art files and it always terminates the program with the 'C++ runtime error' box
- I might try another 20 or 30 to find out if there is one which works
- this is absolutely reproduceable
- step by step:
  1. I check the smartlist with the albums which have no cover art (automatic download of cover art and upload to your servers are switched off by the way)
  2. I locate the best cover art files on the Internet via Firefox browser
  3. I resize or convert the cover art file to a file called 'Folder.jpg' and copy it to the appropriate music album folder
  4. within MC12 I locate the album, highlight it
  5. I right-click and choose 'cover art'-'add from file' and the box opens to choose the file
  6. I locate the right folder and double-click on the 'folder.jpg' file
  7. the program crashes instantaneously with the 'C++ runtime library' box saying
      Runtime Error!
      Program: ......... Media Center 12.exe
      This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
      Please contact the application's support team for more information.
      OK button
- Not tried any other way - I always used to do it like this and it worked until I think version 503 or so like a charm
- O/S version is WinXP SP3 (see system log)
- I use all over our system only 'Folder.jpg' files (in the meanwhile 140'000 tracks or something like 11'000 albums, of which approx 200 have still no cover art file stored)
- I use NOD32 rel 3 as my virus program and switched it off to test and it makes no difference

The interesting fact is that I'm constantly adding new albums to the library and if I have the 'Folder.jpg' stored in the album folder everything works fine with the import. Nothing to complain.

It's just in the case I add a cover art pic AFTER having imported the music tracks... very strange

Hope you can work with these informations


I only use 'Folder.jpg' and never another name


Alex B

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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 04:23:39 am »

37719109: 2744: General: Launcher: Command Line: /MediaServer
0000016: 2744: General: RunProgram: Start
0000016: 2744: General: RunProgram: Filename: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Media Center 12.exe / Parameters: /MediaServer
0000032: 2744: General: RunProgram: Performing ShellExecute...
0000125: 2744: General: RunProgram: Running process...
0000125: 2744: General: RunProgram: Finish (109 ms)

Did you copy the log from the "Previous log"?  I wonder what creates the "Media Server" lines? Does it crash immediately after that?

Have you actually tested the behavior as a stand-alone MC without the server(s) running?
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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2008, 11:47:15 am »


it's the 'previous log' and I just restarted the media server after the immediate crash... that's why it is probably there, I don't know

I just restarted and copied the log to the forum message, nothing else

And no, I didn't try it without the media server running, but I'll do it quickly, hold on



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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2008, 11:49:48 am »


switched media server off and it crashes too


Alex B

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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2008, 12:01:55 pm »

As far as I understand the log you posted does not show anything unusual (except the server lines.)

Have you previously answered yes to this question:

... and ticked the "don't show..." checkbox?

I wonder if the crash could somehow be related to the fact that the source and the destination file are the same.

Could you try Jim's suggestion? Rename a cover art file or move it to some other folder and try to add it from there.
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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2008, 12:04:15 pm »

Instead of this:
2. I locate the best cover art files on the Internet via Firefox browser
  3. I resize or convert the cover art file to a file called 'Folder.jpg' and copy it to the appropriate music album folder
  4. within MC12 I locate the album, highlight it
  5. I right-click and choose 'cover art'-'add from file' and the box opens to choose the file
  6. I locate the right folder and double-click on the 'folder.jpg' file
Try this:

1.  Locate cover art files on the Internet with a browser

2.  Right click on the file and choose copy

3.  Select an album in MC

4.  Right-click and choose 'cover art'-'paste'

I think you've probably found a bug, but the logic of what you're doing is unexpected.  I think you're asking MC to simultaneously read and write the same file.

Folder.jpg is Microsoft's bad invention.  It causes all kinds of problems.  Explorer automatically creates the files.  MC can use these files, but MC doesn't normally write a folder.jpg file.

If you want to store your files internally or externally, just tell MC that, then do the above procedure, and this should work.

Alex B

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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2008, 12:21:31 pm »

If the problem really appears to be caused by the folder.jpg filename and the file's location you could reset confirmation messages and answer no to the "copy" question.

Tools > Options > General > Advanced > Reset all confirmation messages...

However, I couldn't reproduce the crash on my PC when I tried this "folder.jpg over itself" scenario with files on my standard C: drive. I don't know if a RAID system can be different.
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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2008, 01:43:59 pm »

Alex and Jim,

thanks for your gigantic support!

Have to try all the different things you mention before getting back to you, give me half an hour or so please...

By the way: I did it always this way, a human being is a product of its own repetitive behaviour, lol - and never realized that you can locate any jpg file and have MC12 copy it to the destination folder. Oh well, it's probably because my mother-tongue is German and not English

I doubt that the RAID system has anything to do with it. Because there is no hardware change since something around version 300 or so.

I get back to you with results



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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2008, 02:02:12 pm »


1. The crash occurs BEFORE the box with the copy question shows up... and I never switched the dialogue off, so it has to appear

2. I can switch the shell integration on or off, crash happens in both cases

3. I moved the jpg file to another folder and as you (Jim) told me, did a right-click <copy> on the file in explorer, located the album in MC12,
    right-click <cover art><paste from clipboard> and it tells me in a new message box
    "no image found on clipboard (must be image or URL / filename of image)" OK button - at least it doesn't crash

these are the results so far

I checked the jpg file and it is a totally normal jpg file. I can edit it in Photoshop and also the Windows Picture Viewer is happy with it. It has 124 kB.
Should I resize it to another size? (can't imagine that this should be a problem, but whatever it needs, I try...)



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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2008, 02:21:03 pm »

3. I moved the jpg file to another folder and as you (Jim) told me, did a right-click <copy> on the file in explorer, located the album in MC12,
    right-click <cover art><paste from clipboard> and it tells me in a new message box
    "no image found on clipboard (must be image or URL / filename of image)" OK button - at least it doesn't crash
That sounds like the clipboard isn't working.  I've no idea why it doesn't work.  I suppose a virus checker might prevent it.

Try a copy from a web page, using IE.

For testing the clipboard, MC can also copy from the clipboard under Camera in the Action Window.

Alex B

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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2008, 02:27:29 pm »

Could you try the following?

- Create a folder like C:\Temp Images\
- Save an image file there as folder.jpg or use any other filename.
- Use the Cover Art > Add From File... tool

Does it copy the image to the destination location (as folder.jpg) and embed it without crashing?

If this works it could actually make your life easier. MC would always remember the last used source folder and go directly to C:\Temp Images\ when you start the Add From File... tool.
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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2008, 05:16:16 pm »

Good evening

well, I did exactly what you wanted and tried different things

1. I uninstalled NOD32 to be sure that no virus checker is running
2. I opened two different explorer windows and copied the file in one window, pasted it in another window to another location, did it without any remark
3. I created a new folder "Temp Images" on the system drive (which normally hosts only the programs and the O/S)
4. I cut and pasted the folder.jpg file into that folder, did that without complaining
5. Opened Photoshop and copied/pasted the file into Photoshop, clipboard worked like a charm
6. Opened MC12, located the album folder, used right-click <cover art><copy from clipboard> - response "cannot find clipboard"
7. I tried to "add from file", located the "Temp Images" folder, double-clicked on the folder name
8. Crash

I'm out of ideas why the clipboard shouldn't work. As it works with any other program, tried several others too. Works like a charm.

Can it be that the link to the clipboard got lost somehow because I use a special start function?

I start it with "start media server at startup" in the General section of the Tools-Options
I don't have a check-mark at the "start media server on Port 80" in the startup section (I remember that something weird happened some time ago when activating both checkmarks, but can't remember what it was)
I have set the startup with theater view (although that doesn't work - just works when I uncheck the "media server" box)

Tell you what, I do a test on these combinations... who knows



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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2008, 05:29:32 pm »

ok, did a test in different variations:

- unchecked the "media server on startup" in the options-general section
- did the whole story - crash
- interesting fact is that MC12 starts up with a font size like 30, really big - from the second window on it falls back to the font size I set in the options

- changed the "Start in Audio-Theater View" and set "Audio-Standard View"
- did the whole story - crash
- now it paints the first window in the right font size (!)

After the crashes I can start again without the question with the three checkmarks (start with default library and so on)

Now what?

Uninstall - Reinstall?

New Library build-up?


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2008, 06:01:44 pm »

6. Opened MC12, located the album folder, used right-click <cover art><copy from clipboard> - response "cannot find clipboard"
That is the problem.  It is not normal. 

Try rebooting.  Try a reinstall.

Also test the paste in Camera, as I explained above.

Do not use the folder.jpg files for any tests.  Use a simple test name, like test.jpg. 


Alex B

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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2008, 06:10:34 pm »

Now what?

Uninstall - Reinstall?

New Library build-up?

I don't know what is going on. Obviously the problem is not caused by the "copy folder.jpg over itself" process.

I think the next step could be to create a small test library on the C: drive and try again.

For example:
- create a new library to C:\Test Library\ with the library manager and load this empty library
- create two new media folders: "C:\Media\MP3 Album\" and "C:\Media\FLAC Album\"
- copy one MP3 and one FLAC album to these folders (without cover art) and import them.
- use the "Add From File" tool and add cover art from the "C:\Temp Images\" folder

If it still crashes, you could install either Media Jukebox 12 or Media Center 13 Preview and try the same. These use separate registry settings so we would know if clearing the MC12 registry settings would probably help. It would be unnecessary to clear the registry settings unless there's any hope that it would help. (If you are familiar with registry editing you can altenatively export the Media Center 12 registry branches from HKCU and HKLM so that they can be restored.)
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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2008, 06:17:08 pm »

Please don't assume that folder.jpg isn't part of the problem.

Please use a different file name.  DO NOT use folder. jpg.  It's possible that Windows is treating it specially.  It would be news to me, but it is possible.

The test in Camera is important, too.


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2008, 06:21:47 pm »

- interesting fact is that MC12 starts up with a font size like 30, really big - from the second window on it falls back to the font size I set in the options
Weird.  Not normal.  Either your registry is corrupt or your library is corrupt or the machine is not "playing with a full deck" (in serious trouble).
After the crashes I can start again without the question with the three checkmarks (start with default library and so on)
That happens after multiple problems.  One problem may not cause it.


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2008, 06:27:16 pm »

For example:
- create a new library to C:\Test Library\ with the library manager and load this empty library
Reasonable advice.
- create two new media folders: "C:\Media\MP3 Album\" and "C:\Media\FLAC Album\"
- copy one MP3 and one FLAC album to these folders (without cover art) and import them.
- use the "Add From File" tool and add cover art from the "C:\Temp Images\" folder
Also reasonable.
If it still crashes, you could install either Media Jukebox 12 or Media Center 13 Preview and try the same.
I agree on MJ12, but not on MC13.
(If you are familiar with registry editing you can altenatively export the Media Center 12 registry branches from HKCU and HKLM so that they can be restored.)
Do not edit the registry.  It may be the problem.

Please see if you can make paste work, as I've asked above.  If it doesn't work, there is no hope of the rest working.

Eliminate the folder.jpg as a factor.  Use a different name.


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2008, 06:55:13 pm »

ok, I get back to you after the tests with the exact results

thanks so far!


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2008, 07:27:03 pm »

Test 1:

I've put the folder.jpg image as newimage.jpg into a special folder on the system drive, did a right-click with 'copy'
Started MC12, located the album
in Action Window - Camera - copy from clipboard
result: error box with 'failed to acquire images'


1. it's not important how the cover image file is named
2. obviously clipboard connection doesn't work correctly

Next test will be uninstall completely and reinstall completely MC12 - with reloading the previously backed up library
If it's the library I'd have to rebuild it, which can last a day or so (now in total something like 165'000 music tracks - needs a bit more time)

I'd hate to re-install the whole Windows O/S and update it to the latest patch versions which could also last a day or even more
Not to think of re-loading the programs, although this is a very sleek system, just installed the necessary basic programs (hate too much overhead load)

Funny detail:
I use a system with 4GB memory and a Pentium D CPU (Dual), WinXP (due to known limitations tells me that it has 3GB) and your system info tells me that I have 2GB... do you just use 2GB of the 4GB (or 3 and some of XP) available? Anyway, I assume that can't be the problem. I never saw more usage than 500MB with MC12. And my library now has around 12MB for my 165'000 music tracks.

I also assume that there might a problem with the system registry. Some sort of corruption. I just have some little problems I talked about earlier, but found workarounds (for instance the analyze 2 tracks at the same time - doesn't work correctly for me - so I just analyze 1 at a time and it is just ok). Other little annoyances, but nothing serious, all the rest so far works like a charm. Just that strange cover art thing showed up with version 503 or so. In earlier versions it was ok too. (but don't nail me down on the 503, I'm not sure about the version number) - and... as an idea, I'll try to re-install an earlier version and see if it works again... that would be the best bet to find the culprit... imho

Oh well, here we go


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2008, 07:57:52 pm »

If you just import newimage.jpg, does it display in MC correctly?


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2008, 04:23:15 am »

yes, NewImage.jpg got imported absolutely correctly, nothing to complain


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Re: Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2008, 06:31:38 pm »

well, well, well

I solved the problem...

You wanna know how?

I thought I first re-install version 12.0.492 (which I found by accident on one of our servers). I did and guess what? It crashed too...

So, before I re-install the whole system I thought Jim might be right that my system doesn't play with 'the full deck' and that it might be better to do a system file check of the protected Windows system files... sfc...

and it's like magic... it solved the problem! (and this is one reason why I hate Windows, someone blows at it and it falls apart... probably after my next Windows update it's corrupt again, who knows)

Sorry for having bugged you!

Result: it was definitely NO problem of your Media Center program!

and of course:    T H A N K S     for your kind support! Very much appreciated!


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Re: [SOLVED] Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2008, 06:47:29 pm »

Thanks for reporting what you found.


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Re: [SOLVED] Crash in MC12.0.533: Adding Cover Photo to an existing music album
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2008, 04:04:42 pm »

After testing in detail I found out the real problem:

It is the graphic display driver of Matrox!

If you use a Matrox Parhelia APVe graphics adapter for your Media Center computer don't use the driver software which comes with the adapter - download and install display driver HF

Then these crashes within JRiver Media Center are solved!

Thanks for the valuable support!
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