Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay
IPOD Classic 160gb, MC13 & Firmware updates
My Classic works perfectly with MC13. I see that any new IPODs and some of the firmware updated touch & phones do not work and possibly never will. Do you think firmware updates for older ipods will start breaking them too? If that's the case mine works fine, I'll delete itunes and stay with the present firmware.
While it doesn't effect connectivity with Media Center, v1.3 of the firmware for the 5.5G video ipods breaks video playing on SOME ipods. Apparently not all (some with different hardware or chip revisions, perhaps?), but enough that it's been noted on apple's support forums (but not acknowledged by apple, of course). Any attempt to play a video file results in a black backlit screen and a locked-up ipod requiring a soft reset.
Of course, all these ipods are out of warranty now, so the only recourse is to (drumroll, please) buy a newer ipod! Imagine, planned obsolescence via firmware "update".
The old adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" seems to certainly apply to ipods. If I could get ANY other USB device to play randomly via my Kenwood HU, the ipod would be long gone.
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