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Author Topic: How To Use OLD SoundSpectrum Plugins with New Versions of MC  (Read 26212 times)


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How To Use OLD SoundSpectrum Plugins with New Versions of MC
« on: September 22, 2008, 06:47:52 pm »

EDIT: I've recreated the REG files lost in the death of Geocities for MC15.  These instructions CAN still be used to get old versions of the G-Force, WhiteCap, and Softskies plugins working on MC15 on both 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows.  The new REG file downloads can be found in this post below.


1. MC12.0 (I haven't tested this with MC11.1, but I suspect it will work fine as well)
2. A copy of your current SoundSpectrum plugin installed, licensed, and working properly in MC12
3. Windows XP or Vista

In order to use these instructions, you need access to an installation of MC12, with your Soundspectrum plugins installed and working.  This is in order to get access to the MC-specific "parts" of the Soundspectrum plugins (the MC.dll files).  If you have MC13 installed for testing (or even for primary use) but you kept MC12 installed as well, then this is no problem at all.  Just make sure that G-Force or WhiteCap are installed and working normally in MC12 before you start.

However, if you don't currently have MC12 installed on your machine at all it might be difficult or impossible to get the plugin to work in MC13 at this time.  The SoundSpectrum plugins are currently designed for MC12 (and earlier versions) and do not install all the pieces you need for proper operation if MC is not "detected" on the system as part of their install process, even if you own and use the Platinum versions of the plugins.  The easiest thing will be to just re-install MC12 just for this purpose.  You don't have to use it, and it won't hurt anything to have it installed while you use MC13 (just don't try to use them both at the same time).

At this point, keeping MC12 installed really could be handy anyway, at least as a backup.  Remember, MC13 is still a very early beta.  You're treading in uncharted waters here!  After you install MC12, then install G-Force/SoftSkies/WhiteCap and make sure it works in MC12.  Then proceed with these instructions...

Please Note: These instructions work identically for G-Force, WhiteCap, and SoftSkies.  I've only tested it with the current versions of each.

Instructions for Using SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13:

1. Using a machine where you have MC12 installed, install your particular SoundSpectrum plugin or plugins.  This works with the free versions, gold, platinum, or whatever.  Just get them installed and working for MC12.

2. Make sure both MC12 and MC13 are not running.  Then navigate to the following directory in Windows Explorer:
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations

3. You are going to copy the DLL files for the SoundSpectrum plugins over to the same folder for your MC13 install.  If you are using both G-Force and WhiteCap, then look for these two files:


Obviously, if you are only installing G-Force then you would only copy over the G-Force_JMC.dll file, and so on and so forth for the plugins that you are using.

4. Copy the relevant files over to the following directory:
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 13\Visualizations

Warning: Do NOT move them instead of copying (such as by drag-drop), or they will no longer operate for your MC12 installation.

5. After you've finished that, you need to update the MC13 registry entries to "turn on" the new SoundSpectrum plugins in the MC13 directory.  I've made some saved REG files for you to make this easier.

I've only tested these with the current build of MC13 (13.0.36) and with Windows XP SP3!  Also, I was using G-Force 3.8.5, WhiteCap 5.1.5, and SoftSkies 1.4.5 (the current latest versions)!

If you are using an older version of Windows, or different versions of the SoundSpectrum plugins, you should install the registry entries manually instead.  According to edladner, these REG files did work fine with Vista.  Assuming you meet all those conditions, download one or both of the following files:

G-Force Registry File
WhiteCap Registry File
SoftSkies Registry File

EDIT: These download links are dead.  Please see below.

6. Extract the REG file contained within the ZIP you downloaded and double click it.  Windows will ask if you are sure you want to merge the changes, go ahead and click Yes to continue.  After that you're done.  G-Force, SoftSkies, and WhiteCap all work perfectly well with the current version of MC13.

To manually copy over the SoundSpectrum Registry Entries:

This will take a bit more skill.  If you are not proficient at editing the Windows Registry, stop now.  You can easily completely break your computer by clicking one single wrong button when in the Registry editor.  Seriously.  While it isn't brain surgery or anything, if you aren't sure you can handle it, then it might be better to be patient.  I'm sure Andy will come out with a real, supported version once things calm down a bit in the builds.

The relevant registry entries are located here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 12\Plugins\Display\G-Force
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 12\Plugins\Display\SoftSkies
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 12\Plugins\Display\WhiteCap

The basic goal is to take those entries, and copy them over to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 13\Plugins\Display\G-Force
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 13\Plugins\Display\SoftSkies
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 13\Plugins\Display\WhiteCap

The easiest way to do this is to select each key, one at a time, and Export it out to a REG File.  Then edit the Reg file in Notepad or another plain text editor, and change all instances of "Media Center 12" over to "Media Center 13" (there should only be one per REG file).  This will give you something that looks like this:

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 13\Plugins\Display\G-Force]
"Company"="SoundSpectrum, Inc."
"Copyright"="(c) 2008 SoundSpectrum, Inc."

Then, import that file by double clicking on it, and you should be good to go.
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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 06:48:20 pm »

If someone wants to be really brave and try out/check out the REG files in Vista and let us know if they still work, it could help some other poor souls down the line.

I bet they still work fine.... But, don't blame me if it makes your Vista box not boot or catch on fire or something!   :o
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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 07:34:08 pm »

Awesome.  Another guy named Ed tested it and confirmed that the Reg files work fine in Vista.
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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2008, 02:10:22 pm »

EDIT: I edited the prereqs in the instructions above.  Xtacbyme tested swapping from another machine with MC12 over to a machine with only MC13 and G-Force and it failed.  It must install other stuff when it detects MC that it doesn't add for only WiMP.
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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2008, 02:21:52 pm »

i also tried copy n pasting files from version 12 install (c\program files\soundspectrum \gforce) on lappy to version 13 on main machine ( c\program files\soundspectrum\gforce) and that was a no go as well.

Glynor feel free to edit this last post as u see fit or remove it.. just wanted to let ya know what else it tried after the fact.


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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2009, 11:24:08 pm »

I just tried this with 13.0.104 MC on Windows XP SP3 and G-force is working fine now with MC13.

Thanks a lot for posting these instructions!



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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 05:54:03 am »

There's a really simpler way to make G-Force work on MC13 without installing MC12 or copying files manually.
To do this you should copy entire registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Core\Installations\Media Center 13] to [HKLM\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Core\Installations\Media Center 12] without any modifications.
The easiest way to do this is to select it and export it out to a REG File and edit it's header as glynor already said (thanks! :)
And then just simply run G-Force Installer - this little trick makes it detect MC13.
I can't be sure for all versions of G-Force, OS, etc, but for me (on XP x86 and Vista x64) it worked fine and i guess it will for most of you :)


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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2009, 09:46:20 am »

There is an even simpler way to get G-Force & WhiteCap to work with MC13. Install their latest version, it supports MC13 - no workarounds are required.

I'm not sure about Softskies as I do not use that product.


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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2009, 06:00:09 pm »

what am i doing wrong...

when i install g-force (the latest trial from their website) it doesn't appear to install anything. it tries to get me install a bunch of crap liek yahoo toolbar, weatherbug, etc which i decline and then it says it installs... but nothing.

there is nothing in MediaCenter, there is nothing anywhere in Vista except 3 files in my start menu... documentation, a link to their website, and a link to upgrade to gold. wtf?

it installs documentation, but no executables of any kind.



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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2009, 06:10:31 pm »

That's right.  It installs only DLL files, not executables (you only get an EXE if you pay for the Platinum version).

Simply select G-Force as your current display plugin while playing an audio file in MC.  So, just start something playing back, then right click on the Playing Window (either the Action Window display, the fullscreen display, or the Playing Now display) and choose G-Force.
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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2009, 06:16:08 pm »

okay thanks. i wasnt seeing the list of display plugins... i didn't realize i needed to expand it. silly me.

now i must mull over if it is worth paying for...  do you happen to know how often they charge for upgrades? i'd hate to buy now and get stuck $20 again in a few months... but if it's a 20 dollar per 3 year thing, i could handle it.


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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2009, 01:38:03 am »

Soundspectrum license lasts for 1 year.
In that year, you have access to any updates released.
When the year is up, your license expires and you know longer have access to download the installer.
Keep the installer for the version you have licensed and you can keep on using it with your expired license, you just won't be able to update/upgrade unless you purchase another license.

In the last five years, I've spent £50 GBP on Soundspectrum products. I've purchased a new license for gforce each year. Last July, my renewal cost just £7.71

I purchased a Whitecap license some years ago but did not renew it.



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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2009, 11:37:56 am »

I'm having a problem that whenever I play music, The G-Force toolbar is trying to open. This is undesired behavior. I believe that J River Media Center might be telling it to open when music is played. Is there a setting somewhere in MC that I can check and see if this is the case?


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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2009, 12:57:07 am »

This is controlled from the gforce toolbar itself, not MC...

Click on the little handle on the bottom edge of the gforce toolbar and you'll see the various options groups.
Expand the toolbar options and uncheck the one that goes along the lines of 'start toolbar when gforce starts'


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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2009, 10:54:12 am »

This is controlled from the gforce toolbar itself, not MC...

Click on the little handle on the bottom edge of the gforce toolbar and you'll see the various options groups.
Expand the toolbar options and uncheck the one that goes along the lines of 'start toolbar when gforce starts'


that is unchecked, but it still runs when i start playing music in MC


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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2009, 09:56:09 am »

A guy over there suspects it might be something in MC. I just have no idea. I've got the correct option set within G-Force. I haven't seen anything in MC to change if MC is in fact forcing G-Force to start when I start playback.

I'll be forever ind ebt to whoever can help me solve this problem. My computer is running like an absolute champ for the first tim ein years, and this is the only problem I'm having on my whole box!


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Re: How To Use SoundSpectrum Plugins with MC13 (G-Force and WhiteCap)
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2009, 09:49:34 pm »

For Windows 7 x64 w/J River Media Center 14:

Download reg files above and replace:

Code: [Select]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 13\Plugins\Display\

Code: [Select]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JRiver\Media Center 14\Plugins\Display\


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Re: How To Use OLD SoundSpectrum Plugins with New Versions of MC
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2010, 01:41:14 pm »

I've recreated the REG files referenced above and updated them to work with MC15.  This trick does still work, apparently!  I used it to get an old version of WhiteCap I had lying around going under MC15 (I hadn't renewed my license on that one).

DISCLAIMER AND PLUG: However, SoundSpectrum has released updated versions of each of their plugins that work properly with MC15, and you will get the best results using a new and current version of the plugin.  In particular, I've noticed that G-Force has been substantially improved in recent years.  The visuals are now much more responsive to the music, and transitions that used to feel random often are now timed well to the music.  It also might be my imagination, but also it seems like it picks visualization schemes tied to the tempo of the music as well.  I'm really quite impressed with the newest version of G-Force.

Also, Andy works hard and deserves the small amount he asks for his great product.  So head on over to SoundSpectrum and pick yourself up a copy instead.  Honestly, for the small amount he charges, you'll probably spend more time fixing the old version than it is worth.

That said, I personally only used WhiteCap occasionally and SoftSkies almost never, so I let those licenses lapse.  This is a good way to get the older versions working again if you still have them, but it wouldn't otherwise be worth it to you to pay for the upgrade.

Okay, with my little diatribe and plug for Andy finished, here are the REG files you'll need.  I've packaged all three of these together this time in the ZIP file, so there aren't separate downloads for each plugin.  This package contains the REG files for G-Force, WhiteCap, and SoftSkies modified to work with MC15.  Download the version appropriate for your version of Windows.

X86 Windows (Windows XP, Vista 32-bit, Windows 7 32-bit):
X64 Windows (Vista 64 or Windows 7 64):

I've also saved the "original" MC12 copies of these REG files, should anyone need them in the future:

Original X86 MC12 REG Files:
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Re: How To Use OLD SoundSpectrum Plugins with New Versions of MC
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2010, 04:36:26 pm »

I've recreated the REG files referenced above and updated them to work with MC15.  This trick does still work, apparently!  I used it to get an old version of WhiteCap I had lying around going under MC15 (I hadn't renewed my license on that one).

DISCLAIMER AND PLUG: However, SoundSpectrum has released updated versions of each of their plugins that work properly with MC15, and you will get the best results using a new and current version of the plugin.  In particular, I've noticed that G-Force has been substantially improved in recent years.  The visuals are now much more responsive to the music, and transitions that used to feel random often are now timed well to the music.  It also might be my imagination, but also it seems like it picks visualization schemes tied to the tempo of the music as well.  I'm really quite impressed with the newest version of G-Force.

Also, Andy works hard and deserves the small amount he asks for his great product.  So head on over to SoundSpectrum and pick yourself up a copy instead.  Honestly, for the small amount he charges, you'll probably spend more time fixing the old version than it is worth.

That said, I personally only used WhiteCap occasionally and SoftSkies almost never, so I let those licenses lapse.  This is a good way to get the older versions working again if you still have them, but it wouldn't otherwise be worth it to you to pay for the upgrade.

Okay, with my little diatribe and plug for Andy finished, here are the REG files you'll need.  I've packaged all three of these together this time in the ZIP file, so there aren't separate downloads for each plugin.  This package contains the REG files for G-Force, WhiteCap, and SoftSkies modified to work with MC15.  Download the version appropriate for your version of Windows.

X86 Windows (Windows XP, Vista 32-bit, Windows 7 32-bit):
X64 Windows (Vista 64 or Windows 7 64):

I've also saved the "original" MC12 copies of these REG files, should anyone need them in the future:

Original X86 MC12 REG Files:

a BIG THANKS to you  ;D


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Re: How To Use OLD SoundSpectrum Plugins with New Versions of MC
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2010, 04:49:44 pm »

just a random question.. how do you get the CLSID of a file??
it might be usefull for some apps of mine  :P


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Re: How To Use OLD SoundSpectrum Plugins with New Versions of MC
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2010, 07:54:27 pm »

I am not a (good) programmer, but I think it is pretty difficult to find the CLSID of a given DLL file without registering it.  You'd really need some specialized programming tools.
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