Hi guys!
I've recently discovered a problem that often does not affect me. Only in unique circumstances does it affect but I can't seem to pin the problem.
First of all, I have a view scheme that is set to view only "Album". And the modify results sorting is, in order from first to last, "Artist", "Date", "Album", "Discnumber", "Tracknumber" and "Name". I should point out that for Artist, Album and Name I have set up custom fields to load an English tag for those three if they exist, otherwise just load the normal tag. "Discnumber" by default in MJ is "Disc #" but I don't like that and didn't use it before, so I just included my own. It is just an integer.
Now, I have a "Soundtrack" with discs from "1" to "5". When I double click on the album (which of course is not listed per disc, but all together) it goes to Playing Now, but it plays the first track from disc 1 to 5, then the second track from disc 1 to 5. Instead, of course, of playing the first disc in track order, then the second disc.
The view is set to "Album thumbnails". If I go to "customize current view", the sorting is set out the same way as I wrote above. I have "Honor parent search string" enabled; I'm not sure if this is doing it or not, but in general all my sorting is done this same way.
I know I'm using a different Disc # tag to the default, but I have explicitly stated Discnumber every I can find. So can anyone help me with this issue?
If I create a playlist, and set up it's ordering, it plays in the correct order. It is just from this one view that it happens.
My only thought is that MJ is hard-wired to order by its own disc # tag? But surely not...