Here's the one I'm using. I have made my own "Video Type" tag, so you have to add it or modify some ot the expression to make it work. It works for Music, Music Videos, Series, Movies etc. Only thing I've not added are picture caption.
If(IsEqual([Media Type], Audio),[Name] - [Artist] - /([Album]/) // Rating: [Rating],If(IsEqual([Video Type], Series),If(IsEmpty([Name]),S[Season]E[Episode]/ (NP:[Number Plays]/),S[Season]E[Episode]/ (NP:[Number Plays]/) - [Name]),If(IsEqual([Video Type], Music Videos),If(IsEmpty([Artists]),[Artist] - [Name],[Artists] - [Name]),If(IsEqual([Video Type], Conserts),[Artist] - [Name],If(IsEqual([Video Type], Standup),If(IsEmpty([Season]),[Name]/ (NP:[Number Plays]/),[Name] - S[Season]E[Episode]/ (NP:[Number Plays]/)),[Name])))))