Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay

Apple not happy about others trying to support iPhone / iTouch


I would say Apple is making it pretty clear how they feel about anyone else supporting an iPhone or iTouch:

I won't grace your forum with the words going through my head right now.
They look a little bit like this:  >:( >:(  :-\ >:( >:( >:(

Grrr.  Bad Apple.

I'm feeling like a heel for having an iPod Classic now.  I'm not happy about having supported a product family that is becoming more locked down and restrictive.  I can say that I will never be buying a Touch or iPhone.  Apple has lost an iPod customer.  At least I was wise enough to not have gotten a Zune.

A primary reason why I got the iPod Classic was because Apple does gapless playback well.  Another big factor was that MC and other products have managed to support it.  Any MP3 player I get needs to have support for both gapless playback and syncing from third party apps like MC.

The two big players that do gapless also happen to be the two that are locking their hardware to their software (Apple and Microsoft).  The choices now for a player that does gapless are very very slim.


--- Quote from: Frobozz on November 18, 2008, 10:44:08 am ---[...]The choices now for a player that does gapless are very very slim.

--- End quote ---
Pocket Player (Windows Mobile) supports gapless

This story made Slashdot: Apple DMCAs iPodHash Project


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