Hi guys.
I often need to search in Theater View (for the same reasons I do in Standard View). There's some obvious limitations with the current search function though and I think these two suggestions would help enormously:
1. Unify the 3 seperate Audio/Images/Video search options and move it to the main menu.
2. Utilise the same on-screen keyboard for these searches as the one introduced recently for tags and saving playlists.
I think this really belongs on the main menu as it should be possible to search your entire library from one spot - rather than jumping in and out of views for this. The new OSK is excellent and seems as though it should be flexible enough to provide options for entering search criteria and displaying the results too. The OSK that pops up in the left-hand-side nav frame looks odd in comparison, is too small (with half of it missing at certain resolutions/font sizes) and too difficult to use with a remote control.
Both these things would be awesome!