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Author Topic: Weird feature activation - IMDB links etc. in smartlists after viewing cover art  (Read 2145 times)


  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 4889

Recently, I saw in a thread somewhere that under video viewshemes, one can get direct links to Google, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB etc. for each item in the viewsheme. I use smartlists rather than viewschemes and was disappointed that these search links didn't show up for my video smartlists. Then something weird happened:
I was in my smartlist, selected a video file and went to the tagging pane. I clicked on the cover art image and then double clicked on the large thumbnail so that it became fullscreen. When I exited from the image display view and returned to my smartlist, the links to Google, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB etc. were there! They remain there for all items in the smartlist. I like it, but why does this happen? Is there a way to have them appear for smartlists without jumping through these hoops?
If I'm not being clear I can take some screenshots to help explain what I'm saying.


  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 4889

OKay, I just noticed that simply refreshing the smartlist will reveal the links. However, once you do visit IMDB etc and return to the smartlist, the links are gone and you have to refresh again.
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