Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

POLL: Would you consider the JRiver Synapse (a PC to TV connection device)?

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What price range do you think you are going to target?


--- Quote from: glynor on December 24, 2008, 11:08:00 am ---What price range do you think you are going to target?

--- End quote ---
A reasonable price range.  Competitive with other PC's.  We won't know until we spec it.  I'll ask the forum's help on that if we decide to go further.

I would be very interested in a media extender that worked like a wireless cable. Whatever was output from the PC would be displayed on the TV and/or stereo receiver. No conversions, no compression, no codecs, no nothing. Just a wireless cable.

I would not purchase such a device, unless perhaps it was a dedicated device doing something that could not be done otherwise and the price very reasonable.

I would purchase I/O devices and interfaces or hardware and software components to add to a PC which I built, but would likely never purchase a complete PC.

I would likely purchase a "JRiver Media Center OS", or a "JRiver MC Dedicate Remote" and I am really interested in new ways to control my remote media PC with my TV (remote controls can be limiting and a laptop is overkill)

Sorry to say it, but if this is just a plain PC with XP plus a marginally rebuilt MC version IMHO it'd be a complete non-starter.
I can forsee all sorts of licencing/ dependancy problems, and there becomes the issue of what happens if a Windows update breaks things somewhere.
Windows is just not an OS that works nicely under the TV.

In summary, if you're heading for this market, it needs to be as simple and painless as a video recorder, Windows, the desktop etc. must never come into the equation.

If you ever consider going further with the Linux port, this could be the perfect inroad to it :)
All you need is one of the currently available multi-media decoder chipsets (Licencing & DirectShow etc. basically taken care of), plus the front-end which you already have in Windows format. Take the main decoder/ casing from something like one of the Popcorn Hour machines, and stick your own Linux based front-end onto it, problem solved! [To be slightly clearer, these all use a Linux based frontend, Broadcomm embedded IIRC]



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