Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

POLL: Would you consider the JRiver Synapse (a PC to TV connection device)?

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Looks like the Boxee folks are toying with a stand-alone device, too...

I'm still a fan of IR if you have a good, high powered IR remote.  I know my universal remote has several very powerful LEDs in it.  I can practically aim it backwards and it ALWAYS works.  I prefer this because who among you is not going to have a display or receiver--all of which use IR.  So I take a standard universal remote and program it.  I find that the included remotes almost always allow for customer remote configurations, too.  And the MC controls are ultra basic: play/stop/ff/rr/arrows + enter.  So it isn't tough to use the worst remote in the world.  As long as it has the two major sections: play controls & navigation controls.

Our theater preamp came with two nice identical remotes and I have programmed both of them perfectly to control the MC box, blu-ray player, and IR lighting system (Lutron Spacer).  I don't feel that RF is quite there yet.  Worse yet: with my wireless keyboard/mouse combos, it seems like if you don't locate everything just right, you get basically no range with the wireless!

just like a dream, Android version of MC on Nvidia Tegra )

but and ion+windows platform can be interesting


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