Thanks Gap!
I made a bat-file, which also avoids the delay if MC is already running. I am really bad at batch writing, so bear with me if I have done something outragious
And if someone wonders why I check for caption in stead of the actuall application name, it's beacuse I was not able to clear out the carracter return...
It passes arguments for the command to launch. That should fix the limitation IMON remote software had, so I do not need a file for each command, like the shortcuts solution used.
One last thing, it uses the WMIC library, but I hope most XP machines has that installed. It autoinstalled the first time for me...
Here is it
@echo off
REM *** Edit this as necessary *************
set processToFind=Media Center 13.exe
REM *********************************
set MCRunning=0
FOR /F "tokens=1 delims==" %%A IN ('WMIC PROCESS Where "Caption='%processToFind%'" get Caption /Format:list ^| FINDSTR /R /C:"=."') DO (
IF /I "%%A"=="Caption" (
SET MCRunning=1
IF %MCRunning%==1 GOTO ExecuteCoreCommand
ECHO Starting Media Center since not detected running
MC13.exe /start
ping -n 2 >NUL
ECHO Execute command: MC13.exe /mcc %1,%2
START MC13.exe /mcc %1,%2
Feel free to improve if necessary