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Author Topic: [Fixed] Plugin compatibility MC12 to MC13 problem  (Read 1511 times)

  • Junior Woodchuck
  • **
  • Posts: 59
[Fixed] Plugin compatibility MC12 to MC13 problem
« on: December 29, 2008, 11:35:27 am »


I have a plugin working pretty well in MC12. I used the VisualStudio2005 Template to create my plugin. I upgraded to MC13 and I changed the install path in the Inno Setup Compiler to tager MC13 folder. My plugin appear in Interface Plugin of MC13, but the layout isn't showing.

Here's what I have in MC12 :

With MC13 :

Any help would be gladly appreciated.


OK I found it, in the template there was code to check version and deactivate the plugin if wrong version. The if wasn't done correctly.

Original :
Code: [Select]
// Check the version of Media Center.
// Don't support C# Plugins with versions lower than 11.1
// Certain Events are not supported with older versions
private Boolean checkVersion()
IMJVersionAutomation version = mcRef.GetVersion();

if (version.Major >= 12 && version.Minor >= 0 && version.Build >= 213)
return true;

setVisibility(Panel, false);

Panel.Visible = true;
txtUserInfo.Visible = true;

addUserInfoText("AutoEQ only works for MC 12.0.213 and up");

return false;

Modification that made it work :
Code: [Select]
private Boolean checkVersion()
IMJVersionAutomation version = mcRef.GetVersion();

if (version.Major >= 12 && (version.Major != 12 || version.Minor != 0 || version.Build >= 213))
return true;

setVisibility(Panel, false);

Panel.Visible = true;
txtUserInfo.Visible = true;

addUserInfoText("AutoEQ only works for MC 12.0.213 and up");

return false;

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