More > Media Center 13 (Development Ended)
What is best way to Re-Rip Albums while preserving old library info?
I added a step in the process. When re-ripping, I may get new cover I don't want. After I re-rip a batch of CDs, I remove the cover art from that batch. That way I get the proper cover art when I copy the re-ripped files to replace the original files.
Alex B:
This is a helpful thread for anyone who is re-ripping. The topic is not limited to MC13.
I am hoping that in the future we'll have a wizard that can automate the process. For now, I'd appreciate if an administrator could move this thread to the MC14 board.
Does this work if the file names are different?
I have hundreds of obscure classical CD that had tracts entered by hand. They were all ripped mp3. I'd like to re-rip lossless now that storage is not an issue. Yet entering literally thousands of tract names by hand is slow and tedious.
Is there a way to post CD information to the database of a CD that has been previously ripped?
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