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Apple Says iPhone Jailbreaking is Illegal


Mr ChriZ:

Interesting read...

Apple seems to me to be coming a far worse monopoly style player than MS.
Which is a shame because I like some of the stuff they are doing.

Thanks for the link.

--- Quote from: Mr ChriZ on February 15, 2009, 04:17:07 pm ---Apple seems to me to be coming a far worse monopoly style player than MS.
Which is a shame because I like some of the stuff they are doing.

--- End quote ---

In my opinion apple has BEEN a far worse offender for a long time now.  They simply seem to get away with more because they're not the number 1 seller -- people are less critical of the underdog.  For years they've gotten away with actions that would have been front page news if MS had done the same thing.



--- Quote from: lalittle on February 15, 2009, 05:40:10 pm ---Thanks for the link.

In my opinion apple has BEEN a far worse offender for a long time now.  They simply seem to get away with more because they're not the number 1 seller -- people are less critical of the underdog.  For years they've gotten away with actions that would have been front page news if MS had done the same thing.


--- End quote ---

Can anyone say "anticompetitive"?


--- Quote from: lalittle on February 15, 2009, 05:40:10 pm ---In my opinion apple has BEEN a far worse offender for a long time now.  They simply seem to get away with more because they're not the number 1 seller -- people are less critical of the underdog.  For years they've gotten away with actions that would have been front page news if MS had done the same thing.
--- End quote ---

Undoubtedly and absolutely.

More to the point, some of the fanboys need repeatedly beating over the head with a mallet.
Tried OSX on a MBP over a period of about a year, the thing that probably bugged me the most was not being able to swap the dock & menu bar around. Ask how to do it, and dare to suggest that you want to do things slightly differently, and you get greeted with incredulity, or even abuse.

If MC ever gets reliably working on Linux, I'll be over there like a shot. Nothing can beat a decent Gnome desktop with dock plus a couple of spare workspaces  ;D
Still stuck on Windows atm though, mores the pity.



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