More > Media Center 13 (Development Ended)
Prepending a consecutive number to titles as I copy them from MC13 to mp3 player
I have an mp3 player that does not support playlists and I want my songs to play in specific order.
I would like to use "name, move, and copy files" to copy a set of songs in a playlist to a place outside of MC13, but I need to prepend a number to each of them. example:
Joan Jet - I love rock and roll - album - year - track
George Strait - Check yes or no - album - year - track
ABBA - Super Trooper - album - year - track
I would like to prepend (on the front of) a consecutive number to each beginning with 001 so they will play correctly on the mp3 player.
001joan Jet - I love rock and roll -
002George Strait - check yes or no
003ABBA - Super Trooper
The Counter() does not seem to work for me.....
Prepend is probably not the correct word, but you get the idea
I think you can do that in the options for handheld sync.
Sorry, I didn't understand your reply??? Handheld remote?
When you sync to your handheld (MP3 player) there are options you can set.
No options that I can find will set the first of the field to allow for sorting properly. my mp3 player does not support playlists. Thanks for your help
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