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Author Topic: Repair Database  (Read 1264 times)


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Repair Database
« on: February 16, 2009, 06:58:31 pm »

I spent all day cleaning up my library and making a new playlist for my family's road trip tomorrow, then my PC froze, and after a reboot I see that all my playlists are gone, and while my library still exists, it doesn't seem to know where any of the files are (Bitrate, Filetype, and most importantly Filename fields are missing).  Is there any way to tell it where my 20,000 songs are and get it to re-associate (keeping a lot of the database), or should I just rescan all the files from scratch.  The backup library is from yesterday - it's basically useless (I think it would be less work to rebuild it from the files than to use yesterday's database).

I'm using MC 13.0.123.  Any ideas?


Alex B

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Re: Repair Database
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2009, 07:30:18 pm »

I am sorry to hear that. Usually MC handles crashes quite well without corrupting library fields and only the very recent changes might be missing. The crash must have happened on a very unfortunate moment.

I think you could start with the latest backup file and let the auto-import tool do its work. It should be able to clean the library, update changed data from the file tags and maybe preserve some of your playlists. At least the views and smartlists would be configured as they were when the backup file was created.

If you did mass changes to the filenames or locations you might be able to reproduce the changes in the library by using the Rename, Move, & Copy files tool with the "Update database to point to new location (no file rename, move or copy)" setting. If you want to try this disable Auto-Import before restoring the library backup file and recheck that it stayed disabled immediately after the restore.
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Re: Repair Database
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 04:15:14 am »

Thanks for the suggestions.  I ended up taking this as an opportunity to start over with a clean slate.  I realized that most of the changes I'd made were in the tags of the files so that wasn't a big deal.  I also didn't mind re-doing my playlists; I only have a few.

I'm not worried (or angry) about this because I've used MC for the better part of a decade and this is the first time this has happened - so I agree it was just really unfortunate timing/coincidence.  The program's good and powerful enough that it even makes recovering from a database crash not too difficult.

And somewhere in the last year or two MC's replaygain tags started playing nice with what Rockbox wants, so my one long-term dissatisfaction has disappeared! Life is good...

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