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Author Topic: Why do so many people dislike it?  (Read 626 times)


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Why do so many people dislike it?
« on: July 19, 2002, 12:09:04 am »

Hey I found this cartoon in a website.

What does "RIAA" mean? What does it do?

joe mama

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RE:Why do so many people dislike it?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2002, 12:36:39 am »



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RE:Why do so many people dislike it?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2002, 12:40:45 am »

RIAA=Recording Industry Association of America. Long story, L.

Short story. RIAA is a trade association of the major music companies that control legal rights to the great majority of recorded music here in the US. They have been extremely aggressive in pursuing people and companies who they claim have been infringing on their copyright, and insensitive to the rights of music consumers. For instance, interfering with legitimate users who aren't interested in file-sharing but simply want the flexibility of transferring music they have purchased to another format (like burning a CD for use in your car or transferring to a hand-held), then pushing for laws that make it illegal for the legitimate consumer to try to restore those rights. (I'm being polite about this - the RIAA inspires high passion amongst some of us.)

BTW, very flattering image of the RIAA you posted. Must have been taken from their good side.

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