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Author Topic: Dynamic folder location on sync.....  (Read 1612 times)


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Dynamic folder location on sync.....
« on: March 14, 2009, 09:49:38 pm »

What I'm wondering is if in MC13 it is possible to tell MC that when syncing to a device to use a certain folder location for individual files.  I know by default MC uses \music\[artist]\[album] and I can change that to sort how files are synced to a device.  However for example... I would like to have several folders on my device that contain songs all from the same album, easy enough, but I would also on that same device like a folder that contains a random assortment of songs from various artists and albums and have them all synced to the say "Misc" folder.  So what I would in theory do is select a group of song that are pending to be synced and specify that these follow a different folder path rule than the rest of the tracks

I hope I explained that well.  As far as I can tell this can't be done currently but I'm hoping someone may know something I've overlooked.

Thanks for any help


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Re: Dynamic folder location on sync.....
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 08:03:15 pm »

Well I can't see anyway of doing this and sounds like no one else is aware if it's possible either.  I guess a program can't cover every possible feature everyone wants.... it's still the best out there though.


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Re: Dynamic folder location on sync.....
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 08:56:58 pm »

Well I can't see anyway of doing this and sounds like no one else is aware if it's possible either.  I guess a program can't cover every possible feature everyone wants.... it's still the best out there though.

The obvious way of doing this would be a Playlist synced to your device :)
Basically set up a random Playlist & then right-click on it and select Send To & your handheld.
Obviously, this depends on whether your device supports M3U playlists, but if it's any standard MP3 player, it ought to.

Any reason why it has to be in a folder?



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Re: Dynamic folder location on sync.....
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2009, 02:16:12 am »

First, thanks for the reply... I'm using a kenwood car stereo to play mp3's from a flash drive.  As far as I know it doesn't support M3U playlists and I don't believe many, if any, other car stereos do.  It reads everything based on the directory structure.  So I am currently using a playlist in MC sync'd to the flashdrive.  MC is set in the sync options for the flashdrive to place the files in a directory structure based on \[genre]\[artist]\[album].  For example I would have \Rock\Aerosmith\Big Ones\   then all the tracks for that album.  However I sometimes want to add a bunch of just random artists and songs to the flash drive.  The problem with this is that every single file gets it own artist\album\  folders created.  So I may have tracks from maybe 50 different artists or albums.  This creates a very larger directory structure on the flashdrive... and since the stereo uses directory structure for navigation functions, if I am wanting to listen to a specific album it becomes very difficult to go though a list of 50 or more directories to find the one I am looking for.  This is why it would be much easier to instead of having all the random various tracks I add have directories created for each, to have them all go into one folder maybe called MISC. 

So my thought was I would sync the drive to two different playlists in MC.  One playlist would be complete albums I want to add and the other just a bunch of random songs.  Then tell MC that the album playlist follow the Albums\[genre]\[artist]\[album] rule for directory structure and the other playlist follow a different rule, maybe just \MISC\.  This would make it easy to find the album I want because I'd only have one MISC folder instead of folders for every MISC song.



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Re: Dynamic folder location on sync.....
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2009, 05:28:01 am »

OK, this will require slightly more work then, but it's still perfectly doable :)
What you want is a second copy of your device, which you use to sync the misc stuff to (AFAIK MC doesn't support multiple location rules per device transfer).
Use the same settings for this one, but set the audio path as Misc\
Everything synced here will then get put into the same folder.




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Re: Dynamic folder location on sync.....
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2009, 08:46:25 pm »

Thank you very much... that works perfectly.  I should have been able to figure that one out on my own, oh well.

Thanks for taking your time to help.
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