I don't want to get in Alex's way but here's what I do:
I rip a DVD in folder "The Sound of Music". In that folder I will get a "VIDEO_TS" and "AUDIO_TS" folder.
In the "VIDEO_TS" folder I place a "folder.jpg" with the movie poster on it. (mine are 300x430 px and find most posters on impawards.com)
Then I import them into MC and get the new imported ones in my library. I select the imported files, right click them, and use "library tools" - "fill properties from filename..." and select "directories" and fill it with "[Album]\VIDEO_TS". That way you get the name that is in the folder above "VIDEO_TS".
(If you have .avi in a folder select the second option and use [Album])
Now here's a trick I use (because I have a lot of DVD's backed up):
I use also a "title" tag. ("[Title]\VIDEO_TS".) The "title" tag I use for showing it in my library, but the "album" tag is for sorting. This is handy when you have a serie like "Deadwood" with f.e. 12 episodes. (I have a folder "Deadwood Season 1", a subfolder "01. The Beginning" wit subfolders "VIDEO_TS" and "AUDIO_TS". (In each "VIDEO_TS" a folder.jpg). When I import them and "fill properties from filename..." I get "01. The Beginning", "02. Deep Water" etc. I select the episodes and change the "album" tag to "Deadwood". I use also the tags "Season" and "Series". (Season: Season 1/Series: Deadwood etc.) In my view it shows:
[Series] [Season]
That is sorted through:
album (a-z)
series (a-z)
season (a-z)
title (a-z)
year (a-z)
This gives a great view in my library window.
The reason I show the "title" tag but sort with the "album" tag is that with follow ups from movies I can put them in the right order, and like the series example I have them all sorted under 'Deadwood". The "Alien" series "album" tags are "Alien 1" , "Alien 2" etc. where the titles would have sorted different.
I know there will be plenty of other ways, but this works for me.
All the best,