I have a complex expression field set in my library that I'm trying to sort on. I have a playlist that is specifically set to sort of this field and I also often add this playlist to Playing Now, and in both cases sorting is not working 100% correctly.
My expression is:
Math((100 + If(IsEqual(Field(Last Played,0),), 100, Math(Now() - Field(Last Played,0)))) / 100 / (10 + If(IsEqual([Number Plays],),0,[Number Plays])) * (If(IsEqual(Field(Rating, 0), ), 6, Field(Rating, 0)) * 15))
This expression equates (for my library) to numbers between just above 0 to around 5. The sorting kind of works, but not entirely. For example, I'll see number like 5.4xxxx sorted out of sequence with 5.3xxxx. In general sorting is correct, in that I don't see 4.xxx mixed in with the 5.xxx, but at the hight precisions they're mixed.
So, am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Would it help if I made my numbers larger, e.g., multiplied the result by 1000, or something like that?