I have to say I'm very excited about the new feature of a "semi" multiuser library utilising the library serever.
One thing I'm hoping it will do is allow me to have TV recordings done on my HTPC1 and these will then be shared to all my MC14 machines as the recordings are on a shared drive all the machines can access.
So my assumption is that HTPC1 can record the TV shows using the MC EPG/scheduler and since all the recordings are on T: drive which is shared all the MC clients will get these sync'd to their library and be able to play these recordings back.
So if this works FANTASTIC!! BUT then once a TV recording is watched I like to delete it, so what will happen then?
Based on the thread in the MC board additions are supported, but deletions aren't mentioned. Will the removal of the TV recording be sync'd to the other clients?
If not can I please request this is considered? Of course this does then open up the issue of security/access control too I guess