I have no problems to dump this and that, but for example I won't dump my Areca RAID controller for 16 drives and I can't get rid of my whole house music system (which requires me to use a graphics controller which can produce NTSC video output on a second screen (for the touchscreens I use throught the house)).
Right now I have a two Creative Audigy 2 soundcards and with the KX driver set I can generate 3 zones per card, 6 zones in total. If I have to sacrifice these cards I'm fine with it. Just want to know another solution for my zone setup as I am sure that the KX drivers are not available for 64-bit OS's.
I'm pretty sure that MC works fine on a 64-bit OS. The details of the surrounding setup makes it a bit harder. Just don't want to dish out a lot of money just to find out the hard way that it simply doesn't work.
So, if someone is using a setup with multi-zone and 64-bit OS, I would appreciate her/his comments here. If possible with a short list of the components she or he uses.