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Author Topic: MC 14 Sounds Different  (Read 2339 times)


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MC 14 Sounds Different
« on: July 22, 2009, 10:43:00 am »

More relaxed in the upper midrange yet with more information...or maybe something else, can't really pin it down yet.

One note, when buffering music to RAM for playback the user should select flush device buffers on pause.  Otherwise if MC is closed and reopened to play the same song MC will start playing from the buffer and when it catches up to the new buffer load it will stutter.

Otherwise great job MC team....BTW, yes I paid for the upgrade version after only a few minutes of playing around with it.



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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2009, 10:59:37 am »

More relaxed in the upper midrange yet with more information...or maybe something else, can't really pin it down yet.
That sounds just the way I've aged too.


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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2009, 12:11:11 pm »

I noticed that too.  It definitely sounds different.


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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different - --->Question for JRiver Team<---
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2009, 12:31:26 pm »

I noticed that too.  It definitely sounds different.

Of course this might be called the placebo affect to those who can't hear a difference.  Or perhaps shared psychosis.

Question for JRiver:
Only one question for anyone at JRiver.....I selected the option to play from memory....however when I start playback it starts playing immediately.  From past experience with playing music from RAM the file usually loads into RAM then starts to play, this may take a few seconds depending on the file size.  How is it that the file is loaded to memory but still plays instantly?  Also does it load the whole list that is in "Playing Now" into RAM or just the one song at a time?  Can you give more details on how exactly this is being done?



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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2009, 12:36:49 pm »

From my testing, it loads each song in separately.  I do notice a delay when I'm loading 150MB + FLAC files into RAM (For playback).  At least a second or two longer than a standard 30MB FLAC song.

I completely thought I heard a difference independent of this thread and am just agreeing.  I recently upgraded my computer stereo greatly and it could be over time it sounds different (break-in).


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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2009, 12:51:08 pm »

It must load only one song at a time because it only used .2G worth of RAM when I started playing a song.

So is it working to load the following song into RAM while the first is playing?  Isn't this just a huge buffer?  It would be better if RAM activity was at a minimal while music is being played....this is the whole purpose behind RAM playback.  Otherwise buffering for 5 seconds or 1 minute doesnt matter....its just a buffer.




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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2009, 01:02:51 pm »

I saw someone from the JRiver team over at AudioAsylum.  They should be aware of the advantages and functions of RAM playback...there is a method that allows lock privileges from RAM playback.  This is the ideal method

Windows Lock Privileges for ideal RAM playback - Microsoft Link


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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2009, 03:45:20 pm »

Never mind, I saw the answer in the list of new features

8. NEW: Added option to play files from memory instead of disk which is useful in high-end audiophile environments. (file is loaded in a background thread to system memory (capped at 256 MB) and played from there)

However, I still think that any benefit to be had from RAM playback and indeed the whole reason for RAM playback is to limit, reduce or stop RAM traffic while playing music.  Otherwise its just a buffer. 

This is only an idea, so no need to get hostile:
If I have a list of 3 songs [or any amount] in the "Now Playing" list there should be a grayed out section showing me which songs will be sent to RAM.  Then I can select any amount of songs within the MB limit to truely load to RAM without additional songs being loaded in the background.

For example I have these songs in the Now Playing list:
A - 120MB
B - 90MB
C - 97MB
D - 90MB

I should be able to pick or drag expand the grayed out area to any song until the limit is full.  From there when I hit play only those songs will be loaded to RAM and when they are done, playback will stop.  This may sound like an inconvenience but any Audiophile or person who swears by RAM playback will gladly accept this imo.  Furthermore, the amount allocated for RAM playback should be user adjustable to account for the various amounts of free RAM any user is liable to have....Joe may have 3 whole Gigs of free RAM while John has only 256MB.  In this case Joe could load a whole CD's worth of flac to RAM.



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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2009, 03:54:35 pm »

How'd we get so off topic?  Not that I'm not an EXPERT at such tasks.

I'd describe the different sound as:

1. More lively.
2. Slighly enlivened or boosted (part of) midrange.
3. Ever so slight reverberation.
4. Almost a tad hollower.
5. More intense, clean treble sonic detail.


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Re: MC 14 Sounds Different
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2009, 04:01:44 pm »

May I ask what components your system consists of...?

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