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Author Topic: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?  (Read 1633 times)


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I use "Playing Now" quite a lot, but MCs behaviour seem to be overwrite playing now all of the time. Examples are:

1. When watching "recently played" i would like double clicking on a file play that file in the playing now list (instead of just adding it to the list in a duplicate version, or if i choose play, clearing the whole playing now and just playing the files in the "recently played" list. As it is now its to inconvenient to listen to a song, then search or jump to a song some other place in the playlist, and then getting back to the place you where in the playlist.

2. Choosing "play" (the gray buttons on top of for instance recently played, or podcasts) clears the whole playlist. I would like it not to do that.

Maybe this can be changed in the settings (i guess it probably can, there always seems to be some way to change everything in the program), if not, i would like to see it implemented.


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Re: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2009, 05:15:03 pm »

check out the setting in tools>options>general>behaviour>double click. you can set it so that it will only play or add one file..
and, same location, play button, set it to play playing now..
maybe that helps



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Re: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2009, 05:19:32 pm »

The settings for double-clicking works, but neither of my problems are with the default double-click-behaviour. I am not sure what the setting with the play button actually does, for me it seems to do nothing. When i push the "play-button" playing now is overwritten, even if i have the setting on "play playing now".


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Re: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2009, 05:24:33 pm »

The settings for double-clicking works, but neither of my problems are with the default double-click-behaviour. I am not sure what the setting with the play button actually does, for me it seems to do nothing. When i push the "play-button" playing now is overwritten, even if i have the setting on "play playing now".
oh.. dont know whats wrong. i always have it on 'play playing now' and that is what it does, play what is in playing now, starting where it left of. changes nothing to what is in playing now.


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Re: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2009, 05:28:06 pm »

and for double clicking, when you choose : replace playing now (single) it should only put one file in there not a list..


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Re: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2009, 02:05:36 pm »

oh.. dont know whats wrong. i always have it on 'play playing now' and that is what it does, play what is in playing now, starting where it left of. changes nothing to what is in playing now.
Thats odd, thats not at all what is happening to me. Just to be sure we are on the same page, here is a typical scenario:

1. I fill "playing now" with some files.
2. I go to the playlists "recently played" (or top hits, or podcasts or whatever), and press the gray button that says "play" (not the play-button by back forward or stop, but the gray button that has written "play" on it.
3. Playing now is cleared, and it plays the 100 files in "recently played" instead.


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Re: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2009, 10:59:03 am »

ah.. we were on different tracks.  8)
that is how it works. the workaround is double clicking on the file you want (dependend on how double clicking is set) or rightclick on the file and choose play or add to playing now.



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Re: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2009, 11:09:36 am »

Yeah, well I would wish for it to work another way :) And I would also wish for double-clicking on a song in recently played to jump to that song in the current playing now, instead of the default double-click-behavior (wich is add as next to play for me), for me, the main reason for using recently played is to get back to the place i was before, after doing some searching, and playing som other songs. Skipping backwards doesn't work either, since it just jumps back to the song before it in the numbering sequence, not the song that was actuall previosly played.

To exemplify, lets say I play a long list of songs, in "playing now", i play song 92, 93, 94, 95, then i think "this song 95 reminds me of something, let me search for that other song", the songs number is 10023, i listen to it abit, an then want to get back to 95/96 to continue the normal list. Clearing the search field jumps back to the start of the list (wich btw is also somewhat annoiny in MC, it should much more often jump back to the place you are playing, but thats another point). Skipping backwards will only get me to song 10022, and double clicking the song in "recently played" will just another instance of the song to spot 10024, i would like the double clicking in recently played to bring me to songs position in playing now, that is number 95.


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Re: MC is to eager about "overwriting" playing now, any way to change it?
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2009, 11:14:49 am »

have you thought about using split views. in options>general>advanced, you can enable it.
then in view>split view, choose 2 views, and collumns. now you can have two instances from playing now besides eachother. you can pull files from one to the other site, or open recentplaying now beside playing now and pull files afdter what is playing now.. things like that.

would that work?

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