1) there is no virus scanner installed, as it is just an internal system without connection out of the home network
2) drives are connected with a Areca RAID controller - right now 10 500GB drives on RAID 6 - works extremely fast and without any flaw whatsoever
3) I re-built my whole library and it seems to be ok, no corruption message, nothing
4) I back up my library every day
5) memory is fine, I checked it and it shows zero errors, 4GB
6) DirectShow filters, there I have not the slightest idea, as I only rarely use TV and some DVD video (which is not sooo important for me), 99% the system is used for audio
7) I checked almost everything I can imagine, have no idea where I could check more
I installed now Win2003 Server SP2 on this system. Installation went fine. I installed MC13 and MC14 (test version). The import of my 250'000 tracks in MC14 needed something like 5 hours after I set the automatic import paths (manually with MC13 I needed a whole day). As I said I use 50% MP3 320, 50% FLAC and within the library like 20 special custom library fields (which might be the cause, who knows). I use a dual 2.8 GHz CPU and enough memory. And I use a blazingly fast hard disk storage (around 600MB/s sequential read, writes are close to that).
I had a problem with the video driver and the DirectX installation, so I re-installed and everything seems to work fine.
If you can tell me with which motherboard and quad CPU I can get a re-build of my library in 30 minutes, I'd be very happy to buy that...

I'm serious, so please let me know what the problem might be