How can I make a macro of commands or some other option to copy fields with a click of a button? For instance, I keep my "Band", "Artist", "Artist Album" all the same so it would be cool to be able to click a macro to copy those fields all at one time. Is it passible?
Its not possible to make a macro within MC but if you created a smartlist to display all files where "Band", "Artist Album" were either empty or differed in comparison to a [Artist] then you could populate the empty fields with an expression.
Say you have a smartlist that checked whether the [Band] or [Album Artist] fields were different to [Artist].
Then all you would do is select all the files displayed and for the top item edit the [Band] field and then just type =[Artist], this would automatically copy over from the [Artist] field for all selected files.
Otherwise a free utility called Autohotkey could achieve the same in a macro fashion. One press of a button on the taskbar would call the smartlist, open up the fields editor and copy over the desired fields. But that would require you to make a autohotkey script.
Try it the manual way first and see whether it gets the job done