at this moment there are two styles for the info panel. when you open the info panel it can make the thumbnail at the right side large (like with images) or standard (like with audio). with movies, where the amount of text can get very big it would be nice to have the option, none, or maybe small. would make reading those synopsis etc easier.
or maybe, when clicking on the item to expand, let it expand also over the thumbnail.
besides that, would it not be an idea to move the infopanel roller to the second roller, so it would free up some space in the infopanel, would look better, and seems like a more logical place.
with lists, when a (nested) list item gets to long and goes to the next sentence, would it be nice to give some space at the start of the new sentence, so that its easier to read and better looking when there is a list with a lot of longer items?
just some thought...
i love the info panel. a really great addition in mc 14.
