I'll most likely wait til such a backup/restore exists before i update to 14
You can use the workaround for migrating the settings from MC13 to MC14, too. You just have to do some extra work with the registry:
Go to
Choose the version which should be the source version (eg. the subkey "Media Center 13") and select "File -> Export". Regedit creates a *.reg file which can be opened via notepad. If you installed the destination version of MC to a
different folder you have to manually change all the folder information in the regfile to the new path. And you have to update the path to the userdata of MC (C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center xx\).
The last step is to replace all MC13 strings with MC14 strings.
If you didn't touch the default install directory it's enough to do just one search and replace where you search for "Media Center 13" and replace it with "Media Center 14". Should work then!
Last step: Import the modified registry keys
This works, if it's done on the same PC as well as if it's done on different source and destination PCs.