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Author Topic: Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support  (Read 2037 times)


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As far as I'm concerned, J River and Media Jukebox are great. It's the best player out there - period.  With respect to the forum though, it's clear to me, that topics not related to the software itself probably shouldn't even be permitted here. Specifically, of course, I'm talking about any thread that contains the letters RIAA. It's a topic that gets people fired up on both sides of the digital music issue, and it's clear that Jim can't/won't just let those threads go without defending the RIAA (Jim seems to end up closing every thread where people can't play both sides the way he has to). So, rather than even allow the "can of worms" to open in the first place, I suggest those of us with an opinion that speaks badly of the RIAA, just take it somewhere else. And, I also suggest that any non-support thread really doesn't belong here. Who knows what else J River might be unwittingly endorsing by not taking action to nip things in the bud?  Heck, to be honest, at this point, I'm not even sure what my point is. I suppose, it's really just an expression of disappointment. I suppose I still kinda hope that there's some "rebel blood" left in the world of software authors that have anything to do with music. That's certainly not the case here. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2002, 02:49:33 pm »

Are we in CUBA?


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2002, 02:54:16 pm »

Geesh I Hope Not!!!
I Hate Cigars


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2002, 03:08:03 pm »

Go Fidel!!!!


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2002, 03:30:44 pm »

Keep cool
JRiver was involved-is?-in protected format
JRiver has hoppes and projects that do not allow all kind of posts

Beside this JimH is like all of us:moody.On monday a post is closed,the same on friday will run.

Now there is a problem on this forum: more than 90% of the people on this forum use p2p softwares,and have strong opinions about riaa

So they tend to speak about p2p and riaa.They do not use to be nice to riaa-as they are not nice to Bin Laden ever

Without p2p,JRiver,and others would not have sell as much jukebox as they had
If you just rip you cds and download  albums from Emusic,i do not se the point to spend any dollar on any jukebox.

Now ,both sides need to find a way to let one express himself
not harming the interests of the other

Sure if any comments on riaa banned,there is other places to speak about it

But this forum will lost part of his members.Many times if you change pub,you do not come back to the old one

Let see what happens.
On my side ,if a ban on iraa posts,i will just come here for technical support


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2002, 03:46:33 pm »

> On my side ,if a ban on iraa posts,i will just come here for technical support

You can be sure that whatever the Irish Republican Army Auxiliary is doing, we will not ban their posts.

As to Moody on Monday, mia culpa.

Geekboy, you have a good point.  A lot of people would agree with you.  On the other hand, I don't (today), so we'll let the ebb and flow of thought go on.  Until the Iron Glove descends.

One of the most interesting subjects, for me, is the problem of how people who disagree can still get along.  I try to let threads go until they begin to be hostile.  Then I kill them.

Zevele, back to your point about our sucking up to the record labels.  It's true.  We're guilty.  We also get accused of sucking up to you guys.  That's also true.  Get used to it.  It's life.  Life as we know it, and as we create it, when we have nothing more important to do.

Where do you suppose doof is?
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2002, 04:29:12 pm »

>>>> Where do you suppose doof is? <<<<

Underwater staring at a fish.


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2002, 05:57:30 am »

I mean posts about riaa not posts from riaa
Anyway i said it to see reactions from others[great succes=0 reaction....]
But i would think twice before not being part of this interact forum anymore.

Concerning 'your sucking up' to records labels.I do not say you are guilty or not.I am  not the one who can judge about it.I do think that i understand what are your projects,your expectations.This since the very first time i had a look at your site,years ago.
But because you are involve on one side,you have a biased view.
No matter if you try to not have a biased view.ANYONE has a biased view when involve with something,ideas,kids,politic,deals and so on

The situation,the problems,the solutions are not as YOU see them
They are not ever as WE see it

Now ,we have another problem.As i say we,not you.But you are include in we.
How to run this forum ? Most if not all members have nothing positive to say about riaa.But it is not a raison to post only kind of 4 letters posts,or 'kill them' posts,even if sometime it is the main feeling people have.How to 'censure' posts?When  to 'close 'posts?

First of all :there is a need to 'censure/close' posts or not?
My answer is yes.The first raison is that if this place look like audiogalaxy,WinAmp forums,better to close it
The second thing is that censure can be a heathly regulation.If use with moderation,inside a group of "civilized' people

Posts about mp3\p2p/riaa are like elastic band[?].Up to us not to broke the elastic

Since some time i think that small changes  are needed on this forum

To make registration compulsory,Just to take a user name and password.
And to have to log in if you want to post

To have a way to close your our post or to ask your post to be close
in the case you post a link or info.Not of cause if you post opinion

Here is what i mean: many time i would like to post links.I would like others to get the info,but,in another hand i do not want to 'open'a debate.
The link about the Janis Ian article is a very good one.But ,there is no need  to start again ;labels are @#$%^&*()_|PLS|
So i would like to see the post close

Concerning Doof
Last week i was thinking to search Interact and see if he has an email link and contact him.But maybe it is to be indiscreet[?]
I maybe wrong,but i am sure that not long ago i saw a short post from Doof


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2002, 06:40:43 am »

I don't disagree with users being able to post their opinions on subjects and common interests as well as MJ related topics.  I don't know the capabilities of this forum, but it may suit all involved if the forum can be divided into topics (example: General Discussions, Bug Reports, DSP Plug-ins, External Player plugins, Visuals, Ripping, Recording, etc.)  I don't know the best main topics, but with the forum divided as such, Those that come in twith a bug report can go to the bug report section without having to search all topics to see if it had been previousely reported.  Those that don't care to read peoples opinions on the RIAA or input on the subject, won't even have to see it.  If someone has an issue or question concerning Visual Plug-ins, all they would have to do when they log in is go to teh Visual plug-in section and read to their hearts delite on that subject only.
You can put your posts such as "Lucy, what do you see" in the General Discussion section, and those that don't care about general discussions will not have to even see it.  I'll admit that when I come with an issue, it is daunting to scan through all of the various topics in this forum to see if my issue has been addressed.  If the forum were divided into the various subjects, then all I would have to do is go to that particular area of the forum to look for answers or to post my topic.

Just my two cents...


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2002, 07:08:08 am »

We spoke about it not long ago
The fact that all posts at the same place is part of what make this place special

Maybe the search needs some improvements
You can use the 'notify you by email when someone replies to this topic' if you do not want to dig the forum


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2002, 07:33:09 am »

One thing is for sure - MJ's forum is darn near as entertaining as MJ itself! Way to many software companies hide from their users, but not here.  Here, they are strongly vocal and opinionated. The off-topic posts are the most fun, and give the site a human touch. We learn nothing when everybody always agrees with each other, so the differing opinions, which sometimes leads to arguments, can both inform and entertain. Unlike so many other software support forums, this one keeps you coming back for more. It's habit forming! :)

Harry The Hipster

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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2002, 07:56:16 am »

If the concern is convenience - having to scan a list of topics to find what you want - I'm not seeing it. There's always the search function if we're getting eyestrain from going down the topic list. Maybe people need to be nudged to describe their topics more accurately, but that will be an issue no matter how you configure the forum.

If the concern is a matter of policy - too many people digressing into sensitive areas and riling up others - we can argue this one all day long. From time to time I've been annoyed (or worse) by some of the user comments, but unlike most other forums, I've never encountered anything obscene or racist at Interact, so if I'm candid I have to admit that my annoyance stems from simple disagreement with someone else's outlook. I'm a grown-up, and I have to deal with it, and once in a while it may even change my mind or teach me something new. If it gets out of hand, JimH always has veto power, and on the whole he uses it pretty wisely.

We may not recognize it, but JRiver and we users have created a distinct culture here. Cultures are funny things. They are seldom planned - just grow organically. Tinker with them too much and you destroy them. My vote - leave well enough alone.


Listening to: 'You've Changed' from 'Midnight Slows Vol. 1' by 'Buddy Tate' on Media Jukebox


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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2002, 08:43:04 am »

I'm not arguing one way or another.  I agree that this is a special place (it is routinely the very first link I click when I get on the net).  I've been to other forums and do like the idea of seperate forum topics, or areas of discussion.  If I just want to see about say, Encoders, then I would go to the area for that topic without having to do a search or rummage through a ton of stuff that I am not interested in.  It just makes for a more organized system.
You are right that people have different opions on different subjects and this is no different. It is just my preference.  
All the users in the world can wish for one thing, but JimH has the final say in the way it shall be.  It is his baby. (No offense intended Jim.)  


Charlemagne 8

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RE:Company sponsored/controlled forum? Limit it to just tech support
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2002, 04:12:24 pm »

Remember back into ancient times (a year or so ago) when you had a little picture that you chose to identify what sort of post it was?
Let's bring that back and (a) all posts will be on the same page and (b) the general posts and the support request posts can be easily seen and you read the ones you want.
The way it is now, your only clue is the subject line which is sometimes not very clear in identifying the contents. The other way is, of course, not fool proof but it gives one more way to pick which posts to read.


BTW, JimH, ditto on the Monday Meanness Syndrome. But we do our best to keep it under control, don't we?

Now that was a mean thing to say. Oh well, it's Monday.
That was mean, too. AAAAAGGGGHHH!!! MAKE IT STOP!

OK, look at this sweet face. Who can be mad at him?
That's right.
I'm cool.
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