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Author Topic: Play Radio playing same artist and songs...  (Read 1337 times)


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Play Radio playing same artist and songs...
« on: October 09, 2009, 04:37:21 am »

Hi Guys,

Just an observation here...

I've had the 'Radio' option playing for a few hours now (106 songs worth) and (among others) it has played the following...

8 songs by Linkin Park (All from 1 CD, One song repeated 2*)
9 Songs by Matchbox 20 (All from 1 CD)
17 Songs by Motley Crue (16 from the same Double Album)
15 Songs by Rolling Stones (All from the same Double Album)
15 Songs by U2 (From various Albums)

So from a catalog of 6731 Files and 314 different artists, it seems a little strange that 50% of the songs played so far are from 5 artists... Or does it? Am I missing something?


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Re: Play Radio playing same artist and songs...
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2009, 05:39:49 am »

you are not the only one seeing that. one thing that might work and what im testing now, is making a smartlist with all songs played in the last two (or so) hours, and expand that to full album. in the smartlist that you get when starting radio, you can say to not use this new playlist.

see if works


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Re: Play Radio playing same artist and songs...
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2009, 06:35:55 am »

I'd guess it also depends on how diverse your library is and how specific your genres are, amongst a few other variables (I'm not sure exactly what Radio uses to choose songs). For me, I use broad genres with more specific styles tags (so I've got 8000 songs genre-tagged as rock, another 8000 genre-tagged as electronic, etc) so I get a pretty broad variety from Radio. I actually tend to think that it's too broad a range of songs. I often make jumps from Slayer to Miles Davis, even after a good handful of skips n' plays.

I think one of the main issues with the static Radio algorithms that MC uses is that they're tuned to the way Matt and Jim tag their libraries. So it works well for them, and anyone who has a similar approach to tagging music, but for others it produces odd and/or undesirable results.

All that said, gappie's suggestion is a good one for your case. At least you've got the rest of MC's power to save you from its weak Radio function.



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Re: Play Radio playing same artist and songs...
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2009, 01:32:38 pm »

I've noticed this too, and posted about it before in another thread, and it's getting worse. For the record, my radio plays without a starting 'seed' and uses the following rule to pick tracks:

-p=hidden,recycle -[Album]="online" -[Genre]="classical" [Last Played]=>30d

"Nothing from the 'Hidden' or 'Recycle' playlists, no internet streams, nothing classical and nothing played in the last 30 days."


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Re: Play Radio playing same artist and songs...
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2009, 08:31:40 pm »

Thanks for the suggestions guys, will try them out.
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