The only quality of MP3Spacemaker is that it is the only program existing
It is a very primitive program.For $20,you do not get better ride,only more formats checked
This program check your folders and indicates you the songs in double.
Asking you if you want to delete the doubles,but i still trying to find the criteria for it.
You cannot export the the songs in double to check if one is good ,the other not
To pay $20 for such a junk is giving support to people doing low quality softwares.A crack is a better answer
It is really funny that Media Jukebox users are kind of people ripping many times the same cd.Is it THE PROGRAM for senile people?
When you use p2p softwares ,yes you get songs in double if not 3 or 4 times
So just say that you got songs in more than one copie and want to know how to deal with it
From the day i heard they have problem to the day they closed,i got 14.000 songs from Audiogalaxy.Because of it i have songs in double,not because i ripped 34 times the same cd
You can use EncSpot -the software that tells you wich encoder was used for your mp3-if a song in double,it tells you