i guess you want the names filling that listbox? i would add the next item to the script, i can be wrong, did not test it.
first i would use:
For teller = 0 To antall -1
then you should get the name from the list:
Dim listitem As MediaCenter.IMJFileAutomation
Dim MName as string
listitem = list.GetFile(teller)
MName=Listitem.Get("Name", False)
and use that in :
the result could be something like:
Dim list As MediaCenter.IMJFilesAutomation
Dim listitem As MediaCenter.IMJFileAutomation
Dim MName as string
Dim antall, teller As Integer
search = "[Video Type]=[Film]"
list = mediaCenterRef.Search(search)
antall = list.GetNumberFiles()
TextBox1.Text = antall
For teller = 0 To antall - 1
listitem = list.GetFile(teller)
MName=Listitem.Get("Name", False)
hope it gives some ideas.