Just purchased your (otherwise) excellent software. Anyhoo, I've been having major trouble with ripping a CD. I slap in the disk, and that infernal CDDB/Gracenote registration wizard pop's up. Now I don't actually mind filling it in and registering, but the wizard simply refused to let me. Typing anything into the fields is almost impossible (I have to hold down a key and click furiously on a field to input a single letter. As this crazyness ensues, a message box is seemingly trying to pop up in the background (it flashes on and off very briefly, as though the CDDB reg wizard and it are trying to steal attention from one another).
I finally managed to get the thing regged under the nickname "n" after about 15mins. Now, I may well be going out on a limb here, but surely to jesus this isn't normal.
Any help?