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Author Topic: Question about creating a query/smart list  (Read 1619 times)


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Question about creating a query/smart list
« on: November 12, 2009, 10:32:41 am »


I like to organize my music in a Music folder using the following scheme.

- Directory structure is [Genre]\[Artist]\[Album]. I use Assorted for Multiple Artists album.
- Filename for each track file is [Artist] - [Album] - [Track #] - [Name]

I have noticed that I have many albums that do not follow this structure due to one reason or another (typo/change of tags after creating the directories etc.). Is there a way I can create a query/smart list to find all such instances? I have over 25000 audio files - so doing this manually is not an option.



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Re: Question about creating a query/smart list
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2009, 10:45:23 am »

Couldn't you just put all the files in the Rename, Move, & Copy Files dialog and let it fix any that are a problem?

You could also maximize that window and scroll down (with page down) to see any that need changing.

It can also be done with an expression, but it's involved so it'd be easier to use the approach above.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Question about creating a query/smart list
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2009, 11:36:37 am »

Couldn't you just put all the files in the Rename, Move, & Copy Files dialog and let it fix any that are a problem?

You could also maximize that window and scroll down (with page down) to see any that need changing.

It can also be done with an expression, but it's involved so it'd be easier to use the approach above.

I thought about doing it this way but then the accompanying files (any .txt or image files for cover art etc.) in the directory of the album will not be moved. And, this would leave non-empty directories with these files in them. Now, I wish all these files were in the library and properly tagged - so they would also move - but that is not the case currently.


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Re: Question about creating a query/smart list
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2009, 01:46:28 pm »

Can you not create a view that includes all file types, and use Rename, Move, & Copy Files on that?


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Re: Question about creating a query/smart list
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2009, 01:19:46 am »

Can you not create a view that includes all file types, and use Rename, Move, & Copy Files on that?

He could, just as soon as he's taken care of:

I wish all these files were in the library and properly tagged - so they would also move - but that is not the case currently.

Osho, if you want MC to manage the other files, they'll need to be imported and tagged.

The only other way I can see for you to get close to this without importing and tagging is to use the "My Computer" branch of the tree within MC. Changes made to the folder structure here should be applied to all files regardless of their status, so, browse, identify offending directories, then rename, or drag and drop, or whatever, and MC should keep the imported files up to date as far as its database is concerned, and move the files that are not imported also.
Do a test on a few unimportant directories first to verify that the results are good, then go wholesale.


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Re: Question about creating a query/smart list
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2009, 04:05:04 am »

and to make a smart list to find the offending folders depends a bit on how long the folder structure is.
when it is x:\genre\artist\album\
then put this in the smartlist:
Code: [Select]
[Media Type]=[Audio] [=isequal(listitem([Filename],3,\),[album],1)]=0when the folderpath has one item more: raise the 3 to 4.
and using the my computer branch as marco suggested is a good idea. rightclicking on a file in the smartlist and choosing locote inside mc, would bring you there.



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Re: Question about creating a query/smart list
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2009, 08:52:41 am »

Thanks for the help guys. I will try out both suggestions.

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