I'm trying to combine 2 fields into a semicolon delimited field. I'm having some trouble.
I want to create a pane view using the "Artist" and a custom field call "Artist: Add. (Main)". I've tried various ways using the "&datatype=[list ]", "ListBuild()", "ListItem()" & "ListCombine()" expressions. What ends up happening is the panes lists everything correctly but the list of songs it should list is either from the "Artist" field or "Artist: Add. (Main)" but not both.
5 tracks from...
Artist: The Supremes
Artist: Add. (Main): Diana Ross
5 tracks from...
Artist: Diana Ross & The Supremes
Artist: Add. (Main): Diana Ross;The Supremes
5 tracks from...
Artist: Diana Ross
Artist: Add. (Main):
In the pane, if I click Diana Ross only 5 tracks show instead of 15. When I slick The Supremes, I end up with no songs at all.
Is there any way to use expressions to make the delimited field work the way it should?[/list]